Chapter 896
"What, she still dares to miss Master just because of her appearance!"

After listening to the excrement shovel officer's words, An Baobao immediately became furious.Master's cool and noble demeanor, and his unparalleled appearance, who dare to ask who can pat his chest and say that he is worthy of him!
Lord Lord God (patting his chest): I dare!

Mo Jiuxiao pampered the bunted face of her own fox: "Luo Luo doesn't know what she looks like yet, so that's all I can say?"

Luo Anan took away the shit shovel officer's hand in disgust, rubbing what, shit shoveler, did you wash your hands after eating?

"Needless to say, you can tell how brazen she is just by her age?" An Baobao said venomously, "It is estimated that when she so-and-so completed the entire Hehuan sect, the master hadn't even been born yet! For a baby She dares to do it, she is a beast!"

The "that what" here refers to the double cultivation method of the Acacia sect~
Mo Jiuxiao was amused by Luo An'an, the idea of ​​his own little things... It's really fun.

"Don't talk about this, didn't you hear that Elder Fangli threatened us with her master? Her master is a monk in the fusion stage!" Mo Jiuxiao said in a flat tone of "scared".

"Cut," Baobao An's face puffed up angrily, and he pouted, "Baby's master is about to ascend, has Baobao ever shown it off?"


However, this also reminded everyone that, compared to Master, who could compare to these two little ancestors.As long as Immortal Jinhao has not ascended for a day, they will live under the coercion of Immortal Jinhao for a day.In this era when you can't fight your father enough, you can fight your master again, who is afraid of whom!
Seeing this, Mo Jiuxiao stopped talking nonsense, and directly picked up the formation plate and threw it on the ground.A killing formation is revealed instantly, and just from the appearance, it can give people a kind of trembling hostility.

"Since Elder Fangli is unwilling, don't blame us for being impatient!"

Moxiu was the first to do it, and these people walked towards Elder Fangli with a sly smile, making all the disciples of the Hehuan Sect look pale.But Fangli was unwilling to be caught without a fight.She is a Nascent Soul cultivator!A Nascent Soul still has the ability to escape, so Fang Li quickly dropped a handful of spells, taking advantage of the chaos created by the explosion to leave.

"I want to run, but there is no way!"

The demon cultivators defended and blocked at the same time. They are both Nascent Souls, so their skills are naturally stronger.Fangli screamed, and was grabbed by a magic cultivator's ankle, and then trapped severely with a magic weapon.

Mo Jiuxiao and Luo An'an watched all this coldly. No one could save anyone who was willing to die.

For the sake of her life, Fangli did not hesitate to use forbidden techniques to break free.She spat out a mouthful of blood, then leaned on the wall and took out the spiritual weapon given by her master.

"Damn you all! If you want my life, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

Although the spirit weapon is only a fifth-order spirit weapon, it is very powerful.Fang Li then attacked the stone room crazily with the spiritual weapon, even the disciples of the Acacia Sect refused to let it go.

"Help!" For a moment, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling in the secret room, and the elders were anxious to protect their disciples.Lan Yu took advantage of the chaos and fled from the stone room along the same route, but no one noticed.He finally understands, if he stays again, maybe his fate will be the same as that of Fangli!
Luo Anan frowned, she just wanted Fangli to reap the consequences for herself, and she didn't intend to implicate the others, whether they were enemies or friends.If someone dies because of this, it is her karma!

"Bao Zhun, catch her and throw her into the formation!" An Baobao said coldly.

In an instant, a yellow afterimage suddenly appeared in the secret room, its speed was very fast, and it flashed behind Fangli in less than a breath.

 mwah.Babies, let's vote~
(End of this chapter)

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