Chapter 319
Jiang Zhimian was stunned by this shocking laundry theory.

God damn clothes smell stinky.

Wearing stinky clothes as biochemical weapons, smothering others to death?
I'm afraid I'll belch my own fart before I smoke others to death!
"Who told you that you have to wear clothes that stink?" Jiang Zhimian asked angrily and amusedly.

Wang San was eloquent about this, "Isn't it? Everyone says stinky men stinky men, and I can't stinky myself, so I can only start with clothes."

Jiang Zhimian knelt down to his brain.

The curse word "stinky man" can make Wang San put it into practice.

She really underestimated her little brother's ability.

"The clothes need to smell good. Imagine that you are a girl, and there is a man who smells good, and a man who smells bad. Who would you like to be with?" Jiang Zhimian taught him with an example.

As a result, Wang San thought for a while, and asked a very practical question, "Who is richer?"

Jiang Zhimian covered his face, saying that this year's younger brother is really too difficult to lead!
"Hurry up and wash it up. Let's talk after it's done. Come on, I'm optimistic about you. I'll go back first." Jiang Zhimian said, then turned and left.

Without Chi Mohan, she didn't know where to look for restaurants and inns.

When I came home from the back door, I happened to see Jiang Shu watering the scalded grass in the backyard.

Suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Brother, when you were the owner of Zuojiazhuang, did you always go out to buy things?"

Jiang Shu nodded to her, "It's not considered a purchase, it's all a matter for the housekeeper and the big purchaser, I just follow to move things, where money is needed, how can it be the turn of our kind of servants."

In Zuojiazhuang, there is a clear division of labor, and no one can exceed the rules.

But Jiang Shu did often go out with him.

"Then you should be familiar with those restaurants and inns in the town?" Jiang Zhimian asked.

Jiang Shu nodded again, "It's okay, what's the matter, third sister."

"I want to go for a walk, why don't you go with me?" Jiang Zhimian suggested.

I just took this opportunity to talk to Jiang Shu first to see his attitude towards marrying a wife and having children.

Jiang Zhimian felt tired for a moment as he thought about it.

How did she feel like an emotional expert?

It's clear that her feelings for Chi Mohan are as slow as a pig, but she can help others with matters.

Is this the legend that the authorities are obsessed and the bystanders are clear?

"Okay, I'll go with you." Jiang Shu readily agreed.

When he could agree to the third sister's request, he was absolutely unambiguous.

Putting down the bucket for watering the flowers, Jiang Shu went back to his room and changed into clean clothes, took two taels of silver from the cabinet and put it on his body, and then went out with Jiang Zhimian.

He had to put some money on him, so that if the third sister saw something delicious, he would have money to pay.

But in fact, after he went to the street, Jiang Zhimian didn't want anything at all, so he bought a lot on his own initiative.

Candied haws, water chestnut cakes, candied sesame cakes, etc. are all snacks that children and girls like to eat.

Jiang Zhimian ate a candied haws. The sugar coating wrapped in white sesame seeds was sweet and fragrant, and the pitted hawthorn inside had a slightly sour taste. The combination of the two tasted very good.

Even so, I just ate one and stopped.

Eating too much sugar can cause tooth decay, and it can also lead to skin deterioration.

So there is a saying that the first step in skin care is to quit sugar first.

Scientific research shows that after people reduce excess sugar intake, their skin will improve and their health will also improve.

Besides, she came to see restaurants and inns, and she went in with a bunch of candied haws in her mouth. The waiter probably thought she was joking.

Stability is very important.

Jiang Shu carried all the remaining things, and led Jiang Zhimian around the street.

Anchang Town is not too big, so there are not many restaurants and inns. Apart from Yipinju, there is another well-known restaurant called Haozailai, whose specialty is roast duck.

"Miss Zuo really likes the roast duck here. I used to go out to buy it, and the housekeeper would always buy one. It only cost 150 Wen!"

You know, live ducks cost only thirty or forty yuan.

After making roast duck, the price can be increased by four or five times, which really makes Jiang Shu unbelievable.

Jiang Zhimian thought it was normal.

She settled an account for Jiang Shu.

"A live duck costs 150 to [-] renminbi. If the hair is removed and the blood is removed to remove the internal organs, one-fifth or more will be lost here, and then it needs to be marinated. Charcoal has to be paid for, and finally there are labor costs and store fees, and for the [-] renminbi, he has included these costs and added his own profit, which is actually about the same.”

"What are labor costs and store fees?" Jiang Shu asked suspiciously.

Jiang Zhimian had no choice but to put it in layman's terms, "It's just the salary of the cook and the waiter, and the money for the restaurant. These costs have to be added in."

These are all additional costs for this duck.

Stacking up layer by layer, it is difficult to think about the price.

Jiang Shu understood.

Looking at Jiang Zhimian in awe, "Third sister, you know a lot!"

If it wasn't for what the third sister said, he might not understand until he died.

"In the future, if you get in touch with him more, you will know. In fact, it is easy to understand. Brother, you are so smart, you can understand it yourself." Jiang Zhimian said.

"Where can I go to get in touch?" Jiang Shu asked curiously.

Jiang Zhimian spread his hands, his almond eyes that were as bright as stars blinked slightly, "Second Brother, isn't he going to open a restaurant? We come out today to find a better place for Second Brother, and then we will sell it."

After finding a good restaurant, we have to start renovations or something.

At that time, Jiang Shu will definitely help, and he will naturally know how much it costs and how much it can earn to maintain the livelihood of the entire restaurant.

Learn slowly, no one is born knowing how to do business.

Maybe Jiang Shu will learn it as soon as he learns it, and he will directly become a business wizard?

Jiang Shu nodded quickly, "Then let's look for it carefully. I remember that there is a restaurant in front that I don't want to do. How about we go there and have a look?"

"Okay." Jiang Zhimian nodded and followed Jiang Shu.

He asked Jiang Shu, "Why doesn't that restaurant want to do business anymore?"

"It is said that the shopkeeper and the bandits have a little collusion. The officers and soldiers always go to investigate, which makes people panic. Everyone is afraid that something will happen, so they don't go much." Jiang Shu said.

Those who still go now are either newcomers who don't know, or bold people who are not afraid of this matter.

But more than half of the total number of guests left, and the restaurant was struggling to survive. Just looking at it from the outside, one could feel the meaning of failure.

If a restaurant just looks unpleasant, its business will not get better.

"Is there really a bandit who is so arrogant, dares to come to the town, and colludes so blatantly?" Jiang Zhimian asked in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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