She became rich after being dressed as a group pet

Chapter 379 The Lin family was robbed

Chapter 379 The Lin family was robbed
Jiang Zhimian was in an orphanage when he was a child, and he also read a lot of folk fairy tales.

But I have never heard of such a story that the mountain god master would bury people.

By the way, isn't he a fairy?

How did you do something in the devil world?

Could it be that the demon world arranged spies in the fairy world!

But Mrs. Jiang said with certainty, "It's true, your great-grandfather's brother didn't believe it when he was a child. He insisted on going to the mountain to pick mushrooms when it rained, but he met the mountain god who was also picking mushrooms. He robbed the mountain god The mushrooms were buried in the soil, and when they were found, they were already dead!"

When he died, his eyes were staring in horror and his mouth was still open. It was terrifying!

Jiang Zhimian thought of another possibility.

She asked Mrs. Jiang, "Grandma, do you know what a landslide is?"

"What is that?" The old lady looked puzzled.

"It's the rocks and mud on those mountains that fell down by themselves." Jiang Zhimian explained.

Mrs. Jiang's eyes widened even more, "Isn't that the mountain god's anger? Well, how could the rocks and soil fall?"

Jiang Zhimian: ...

Well, she really guessed it right.

The grandfather's brother was not punished by the mountain god at all, but after the heavy rain, the stratum structure of the back mountain was poor, and after the rain washed away, the protruding stones and soil on the mountain suddenly collapsed.

And just as he was standing underneath, he was buried.

As for the so-called frightened appearance, it was caused by suffocation.

The ancients didn't know the real reason, so they could only explain it with the power of ghosts and gods.

But it is good to tell everyone like this, at least after the heavy rain, no one dares to go up the mountain.

The mountain god master is fake, but the landslide is real.

Jiang Zhimian also gave up the idea of ​​going up the mountain, and wait until the weather is clear in two days before thinking about it.

After finally waiting for the rain to stop, Jiang Zhimian and the Jiang family went back to town.

But because of the heavy rain, the road was very muddy, and the wheels slipped in many places. No matter how hard the horse in front tried, it still couldn't get out of the mud pit.

Helpless, everyone got down to push the cart.

Jiang Zhimian is not a delicate person, he also jumped out of the car, rolled up his sleeves and began to help.

The whole family worked together, and this small puddle was nothing.

It's just that everyone is dirty, and even has mud spots on their faces, which looks very ridiculous.

Everyone laughed all the way, and finally returned to the gate of Youranju before completely becoming clay figurines.

Jiang Shu, who was driving outside, asked suddenly, "Second brother, is that Lin Miaomiao standing at the door? Why do I look a little like him?"

As soon as he heard Lin Miaomiao, Jiang Lin rushed out as if he had been spat out.

Boss Jiang kept a straight face in the carriage, "You bastard, he has a daughter-in-law and forgot about his father, and he hasn't passed the door yet. When he heard his name, he went there quickly, and he will pay it back in the future!"

Mrs. Jiang snorted coldly, "How dare you talk about him? I remember you used to run faster than him. You were going to dig the soil for Ruyi. You set off before dawn in the morning. No matter how much I called you, I couldn't call you back."

Hearing that Mrs. Jiang revealed her own affairs, Boss Jiang felt a little embarrassed.

She blushed and acted coquettishly, "Mother, give me some face, there are still many juniors here."

But Mrs. Jiang didn't care about this, "Now I know I'm sorry, why did you go there just now, I have no objection if you want to act like a father, but if there is trouble because of Miao Miao, I will never end with you, Miao Miao This child Miao, I really like it."

Now that Miao Miao took the initiative to find Jiang Lin, it was too late for her to be happy.

While she was enjoying herself, she heard Jiang Lin shouting outside, "Grandma, third sister, come here quickly, Miao Miao has fainted!"

This time, the one who jumped out the fastest was Mrs. Jiang.

Her future granddaughter-in-law fainted, and she died of anxiety.

Jiang Zhimian also hurried out and went to Lin Miaomiao to check the situation carefully.

Only then did she see that Lin Miaomiao's cheeks were pale, but her cheeks were abnormally red, and when she touched her forehead, it was indeed extremely hot.

Looking at the clothes on his body, it was a little wet, but not too wet.

It's like, after getting wet in the rain, I put on my clothes to dry again!
"I guess I've been standing in the rain for a long time, and I have a fever. First, help her to my room, change her clothes, cook some ginger soup, bring some hot water and clean towels." Jiang Zhimian arranged in an orderly manner.

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Lin picked up Lin Miaomiao who was on the ground, and rushed to the gate like flying.

Then he stopped abruptly, and looked at the crowd begging for help, "I can't move my hands to open the lock..."

After a lot of tossing, Lin Miaomiao finally showed signs of fever relief.

The Jiang family gathered around the bed, looking at Lin Miaomiao without daring to relax.

This child is coming here on a rainy day, so something serious may have happened.

As for what happened, I have to wait until she wakes up and ask her to find out.

"Just wait for her to wake up now. Go and change your clothes first. It's so dirty, it's uncomfortable to wear." Jiang Zhimian persuaded.

Jiang Lin shook his head, "I won't leave, unless Miao Miao wakes up, otherwise I will keep wearing this dress."

Others also said, "It's okay, it's okay for us to wear dirty clothes for a while, let's watch Miaomiao here now."

Seeing that everyone was so persistent, Jiang Zhimian couldn't persuade him anymore.

Fortunately, after a while, Lin Miaomiao woke up.

First he opened his eyes and looked around in a daze, then he saw everything in front of him clearly, and after remembering the purpose of his trip, his eyes suddenly became tense.

"Have you been robbed too? Jiang Lin, is that right?"

Also, robbed?

Jiang Lin frowned, and held Lin Miaomiao's hand tightly, "What was robbed, Miao Miao, have you been robbed? What's going on?"

"You must have been robbed, otherwise, how could you dress like this? I'm sorry, it's all my fault. It's me, the loser, who dragged you down!"

The more she talked, the more Lin Miaomiao blamed herself.

As expected, she is still a loser, and this can never be changed.

Now that they are not married to Jiang Lin, they have already become like this.

Then after getting married, wouldn't she have to repeat Kefu's mistakes?
"Who robbed you?" Jiang Zhimian asked patiently.

She raised her hand and pressed Lin Miaomiao's shoulder, which not only suppressed her movement to get up, but also subtly soothed her restless and guilt-ridden heart.

After silently crying, Lin Miaomiao shook her head, "I don't know, my parents and I went up the mountain to cut willow branches, but when we came home in heavy rain, we found that all the betrothal gifts from your family were gone. Yes, the house is full of mess.

I don't know what to do, so I can only rush to find you, but you are not at home, I wait at the door, and finally waited for you to come back, but I fainted..."

 Good night, see you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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