She became rich after being dressed as a group pet

Chapter 508 Little Girl Orange Shenyuan

Chapter 508 Little Girl Orange Shenyuan (4 more)
In the courtyard of Wuziju, Bai Yule was holding a pot of gardenias and talking.

"She will come tomorrow, she won't come tomorrow, she will come tomorrow, she won't..."

Wang San, who was sweeping the floor next to him, couldn't bear it anymore.

Throwing away the broom and roaring, "Little Bai Ye, no matter how worried you are about your mother's coming, you can't vent your anger on gardenias, and even if you insist on using gardenias for divination, you can't get a pot , it's all bald!"

Only then did Bai Yule look down.

is not that right?

The gardenias that had grown lushly in the morning had only one white flower left.

All the leaves were thrown on the ground by Bai and Leba, which was very spectacular.

"Hey, you don't understand." Bai Yule sighed, "Now when I think of my mother coming, but I don't know when it will come, I feel very nervous."

"Isn't it just a blind date for you? It's a good thing. You are so handsome, and the girl I introduced to you must be beautiful, isn't it great?" Wang San expressed his envy.

Who doesn't want to have a beautiful daughter-in-law.

"I don't want to go on a blind date," Bai Yule sighed, "I don't even know that girl well, how can I marry her? What if she doesn't get along with me?"

You can't keep torturing each other for the rest of your life, can you?

Wang San scratched his head, "It seems to make sense, then you can find one you like, so that your mother can't help it."

"It's not so easy to find someone you like." Bai Yule rolled his eyes.

Finding a daughter-in-law is not about picking carrots. Can you choose the best one after careful comparison?

Don't be there...

"Wait, what did you just say, can you say it again?" Bai Yule was suddenly very pleasantly surprised.

"I said you find someone you like, so your mother can't introduce girls to you." Wang San repeated.

He asked Bai Yule again, "Master Bai, didn't you say it was not easy to find, did you suddenly think of someone you like?"

He also has this feeling!

Before, there were five copper coins hidden and forgotten, and I couldn't remember where they were.

Later, the boss didn't know what he said, so he suddenly remembered it.

I ran to the interlayer of the boss's stinky shoes, and sure enough, I found the five cents.

The feeling of suddenly remembering something very important is really wonderful!
"Of course I don't have a crush, but I've figured out a way." Bai Yule shook her folding fan lightly, and smiled triumphantly.

After speaking, I was ready to go out.

Qilin naturally had to keep up.

But Bai Yule stopped him, "You don't want to go with me today, sister-in-law Wu is going to the plantation base, and if she wants to leave the town, someone will rob her if she doesn't make sure, and brother Wu is going to the blacksmith's shop to buy something, it seems that she is very busy look, so you go and escort Fifth Sister-in-law."

Qilin pursed his lips and remained silent.

"I'm in the town, what can happen, the worst is to let Wang San accompany me, if something happens, I will push Wang San out as a shield." Bai Yule said.

Only then did Qilin nod his head, and walked out.

"Master Xiaobai, I won't use it as a shield for you. You're dead... Ah, with so much money, don't worry, Master Bai. Even if there are more people on the other side, as long as I have a breath, I will cover it up." You left safely!"

After being stuffed with a handful of money, Wang San immediately said with a smile.

So much money!
If you save more, you can buy a small house on the edge of the town, and then work hard to save money for your wife.

First marry a wife for the boss, and then marry a wife for yourself...

"Where are you going, little white master? I'll see you off." Wang San stuffed the money into his arms and asked with a smile on his face.

Bai Yule waved his hands, "I don't need your escort, I just want to go out for a walk by myself."

"Ah, if something happens to you, won't Qilin come back and kill me?" Wang San panicked.

If Qilin beat himself to death, what's the use of getting more money?

It's miserable to have money but not to spend it!

Bai Yule was so angry that he hit his head with a folding fan, "Do you think this is a frontier fortress? It's so messy? I'm walking on the street, who dares to touch me? I don't want to live anymore, let's go, let's go to work Come on, get rid of that pot of gardenias for me, and buy a new pot back."

Let Wu Ge know that he spoiled his flowers.

You have to strangle yourself.

After explaining, Bai Yule went out leisurely.


After returning from the planting base, Jiang Zhimian went to Wuziju.

Only then did I learn that Bai Yule went out to play alone in the street.

"Xiaobai doesn't take me with him when he goes to play now, it's too much. When he comes back, I will criticize him!" Jiang Zhimian said.

"I have a fire stick that is very handy, I will lend it to you later." Chi Mohan said.

Wang San was shocked, "Won't your heart hurt when the two of you unite together, Young Master Bai?"

"Hitting is kissing and scolding is love." Jiang Zhimian said.

Wang San expressed deep doubts about this, "But I've never seen you beating and scolding Brother Chi, does that mean you don't like Brother Chi?"

"I can hardly hold my fist anymore!" Jiang Zhimian said fiercely.

While talking, Bai Yule's voice came from outside.

"Who made our fifth sister-in-law angry, see if I don't deal with him well, vent my anger on fifth sister-in-law!"

"Knock, this person is you, do you want to clean up yourself?" Jiang Zhimian turned his head with a smile.

After just one glance, he was stunned, "Who did you bring back?"

Next to Bai Yule, there was a delicate little girl.

Wearing a bright yellow dress, she looks immature, the kind who pinches a bag of water, and looks timidly at the people in the room.

Looking carefully, Jiang Zhimian found that the girl's hand was still tightly clutching the corner of Bai Yule's clothes!
Holy crap, big news.

Just when she was about to get closer and take a closer look, Bai Yule had already protected her behind her, "Her name is Ju Shenyuan, and she was abducted here by human traffickers."

"Surname Ju? It's rare." Jiang Zhimian said.

But seeing that this girl is already in her teens, and she was only trafficked now, she should also be sent to be a daughter-in-law, right?
Anchang Town has never heard of anyone buying a wife.

Ju Shenyuan said timidly, "Master Bai saved me, otherwise I would have been sold somewhere."

"Then where is your home? Shall we give you some money to take you back?" Jiang Zhimian said.

But Ju Shenyuan shook her head in fear, "I don't want to go back, they sold me out, if I go back, they will sell me out again."

Bai Yule looked at Ju Shenyuan very seriously, "Don't be afraid, I will protect you, stay by my side, no one dares... Ah, Qilin, what are you doing!"

Before he finished speaking, Qilin's long sword fell from the roof and stuck straight at Ju Shenyuan's feet. The gleaming blade cut through the tulle of the skirt, fluttering, and fell to the ground after a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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