She became rich after being dressed as a group pet

Chapter 513 The Nth Day of Thinking About Kirin

Chapter 513 The Nth Day of Thinking About Kirin (9 More)
Bai Yule immediately stopped smiling.

"I didn't laugh."

"You clearly have it!" Ju Shenyuan persisted, "You smile clearly, okay?"

Then he thought, Bai Yule came here early in the morning and asked such a weird question, and even laughed.

Shouldn't it be...

Ju Shenyuan hurriedly took a step back, "Mr. Bai, what we agreed before is just acting. Now you can't fake the show for real."

Although she also knew that few men could resist a beautiful, generous, virtuous and gentle girl like herself.

But her heart was all on the troupe, she never thought about getting married at all!
"Of course I don't like you." Bai Yule said.

Making too much love, Ju Shenyuan brushed her hair in embarrassment, "I was joking just now to cheer up the atmosphere, so who do you like?"

who is it?

Bai Yule remembered what Ju Shenyuan said just now.

She said that liking someone means smiling unconsciously when thinking of him.

I don't know what's going on, but what came to my mind was the appearance of Qilin.

And actually laughing.

So myself, like unicorn?

"Master Bai, why don't you speak?" Ju Shenyuan asked again.

But Bai Yule waved his hand, "It's okay, it's okay, you can stay by yourself, or go help my fifth sister-in-law, I have something to do, I have to go out, if fifth sister-in-law asks about me, just say that I have an appointment with a friend Tea."

"Oh." Tangerine Shenyuan nodded.

After leaving the inn, Bai and Le walked around and went to a small shop in an alley.

This is the so-called small workshop, and many books that cannot be sold at all can be found here.

After Bai Yule entered, they went straight to the novel.

Most of the novels found here are pornographic waste, and there are also violent stories, such as the modern-day Danmei.

Bai Yule didn't dare to buy such a book, so he swallowed it whole, read several copies in the small workshop, and gave the shopkeeper five cents for reading the book, and then went home.

On the way, I feel very heavy.

If you follow the words in the novel, then you are definitely in love with Qilin.

And it can be seen that Qilin also likes himself very much.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have treated myself like that last night.

It's a pity that Qilin misunderstood himself, and now he doesn't know where he is going.

I have no chance to explain...

The little seedlings of love haven't sprouted yet, is it going to wither directly?
Bai Yule returned to Wuziju dejectedly, but still did not wait for Qilin to come back.

Even the people in Gujiao Mountain felt something was wrong.

Ask Bai Yule, "Did you make Qilin angry, so Qilin left? What a child, you forced him away."

"It's not me, but it's still me. In fact, I don't know if it's me." Bai Yule replied.

The man from Gujiao Mountain spread his hands, "Okay, I forced one away, and the other went crazy."

"Maybe there is something. You and I know Qilin's temper these years, and he won't leave without saying goodbye. Just wait." Chi Mohan said.

The man from Gujiao Mountain nodded, "Now we can only wait, otherwise is there any other way?"

Qilin really wants to hide, no one can find him.

Hearing these words, Bai Yule felt even more lost.

His disappointed mood was not diluted by joy until the day when Jiang Lin got married.

Early in the morning, Bai Yule got up, and followed Jiang Zhimian's family's carriage to pick up the bride!

According to the rules of the Kingdom of Jin, on the wedding day, the guests on the bride's side eat breakfast first, then the groom picks up the bride, toasts some important relatives, and then the bride and those relatives go to the man's house for dinner.

Jiang Shu also rushed back from Pingnan County to support his second brother.

By the way, learn, and when I marry Zuo Weirou, I won't be so busy.

To pick up a relative, it is indispensable to give a red envelope.

Jiang Lin's cheeks were brighter than the red envelopes. Taking advantage of the chaos of the people blocking the door, he directly sprinkled a lot of red envelopes for everyone to grab, while he rushed in with Jiang Shu and the others while taking advantage of the chaos.

Lin Miaomiao, wearing a red hijab and a wedding gown, sat on the edge of the bed, and sprinkled a lot of red dates, longan, peanuts and lotus seeds on the bed behind her, implying the early birth of a precious son.

The little girl didn't know much about these things, so she picked up the jujubes and ate them when she saw how big they were.

Very happy raised his head and told Jiang Lin, "Second brother, the dates are so sweet!"

Jiang Zhimian smiled and pulled him aside, watching the Lin family's parents explain to Lin Miaomiao how to be a good wife.

When you are about to go out, serve another bowl of dumplings.

Jiang Lin started to toss around early in the morning, and didn't even bother to drink his saliva. When he saw that there were dumplings to eat, he immediately swallowed one.

After chewing a couple of bites, I realized something was wrong.

"It's raw!" he said vaguely.

Xi Po next to her immediately clapped her hands, "Okay, okay, if you give birth, how many babies do you want?"

Jiang Lin reacted immediately.

He picked up the bowl of dumplings and planned to eat them all, "I want to give birth to many, many more!"

"Groom officer, save one for the bride, the bride is going to give birth too!" Grandma Xi hurriedly stopped Jiang Lin from swallowing it all in one gulp.

Compared to Jiang Lin, Lin Miaomiao was much more refined.

She took a small bite, and Xi Po asked her, "Bride, are you going to give birth?"

"Health." Lin Miaomiao said shyly in a low voice.

The happy wife was overjoyed, "I wish the bride and groom have a baby soon, and the auspicious time has come. The bride's mother, send the bride to the sedan chair!"

Supported by Aunt Lin, Lin Miaomiao got into the sedan chair.

Jiang Lin also got on the tall horse, with a big red flower hanging on his chest, not to mention how proud he was, and walked towards Anchang Town with a beating sound.

Bai Yule saw Jiang Zhimian and Chi Mohan riding side by side in front of them, and the faint sadness in their hearts surfaced again.

It's been several days, and Qilin still hasn't come back...

Just as he was thinking, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure, who was at the end of the wedding reception team.

It's a unicorn!
Qilin, who was always dressed in black, changed into a royal blue dress today, looking even more handsome, but the eyebrows were frighteningly cold.

"Master Bai, what are you looking at?" Ju Shenyuan also participated in the wedding reception, sitting in the carriage next to her.

Seeing that Bai Yule couldn't ride the horse well, looking back, he asked.

But Bai Yule didn't answer, turned the horse's head around, and ran towards the tail of the team.

"Qilin, you are back, where have you been?" Bai Yule asked.

Qilin didn't answer, just glanced at him lightly, then quickly looked away.

"Qilin, in fact, the relationship between me and Ju Shenyuan is..." Bai Yule wanted to explain clearly.

As soon as he started, Qilin had already interrupted him, "Master Xiaobai, today is the marriage of the fifth lady's second brother, and he is the most important thing. We will talk about other things later..."

(End of this chapter)

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