She became rich after being dressed as a group pet

Chapter 525 An Unexpected Discussion

Chapter 525 An Unexpected Discussion (21 More)
Reluctantly, Bai Yule followed Princess Ning into the carriage.

Instinctively felt that there was absolutely nothing good this time.

Sure enough, as soon as he got in the car, Princess Ning asked him, "Last time you said that Xin'er has learned too much, so she must not be proficient in everything. According to your opinion, you like talented women, don't you?"

Bai Yule nodded, "Yeah, it's better to be the one with outstanding talent, so that they are worthy of me, isn't it mother, you see that Xin'er has learned so much, it's definitely not good, let's forget it. "

"You haven't seen her ability before, so how can you draw a conclusion directly?" Princess Ning said.

Want to know more?

Bai Yule thought to himself, do you want them to contact alone?

Niang also thought too well, contact and contact, the trick of making love with each other for a long time is useless to him.

So he immediately frowned and sighed, "I really want to see it too, but now I have to practice with Qilin and learn how to draw with Fifth Sister-in-law. I'm very busy."

"You also learn painting from Zhimian? How are you doing?" Princess Ning asked.

"It's not bad. Fifth sister-in-law said that my egg drawing is very good, and I can draw boxes in a few days!" Bai Yule was very proud.

Painted eggs?
Princess Ning frowned calmly.

It turned out that what Tachibana Shenyuan said was true.

Painting eggs is not a perfunctory job, but a task assigned by Jiang Zhimian.

That...that doesn't change anything.

Girls should be able to learn painting when they are young. How can they start to study until now? It's a bit late, it's too late.

Thinking about it, Concubine Ning regained her composure and said, "I know you are busy, so I won't ask you to compete with her. I helped you find Miss Orange to compete on your behalf. Now that it's over, the winner should have been determined."

what? !

I knew that if my mother brought me out, nothing good would happen!

Isn't this obviously trying to embarrass Ju Shenyuan?

Combined with what he said just now, he just wanted to slap himself in the face. He himself said that he likes talented women. When he sees that Ju Shenyuan lost to Fu Xiner, he still insists on being with Ju Shenyuan?
Is it still far away to return to the capital to marry a wife and have children?

Bai Yule shuddered, and quickly changed his words, "Mother, I actually think that a woman's lack of talent is virtue, so what can she do if she has learned so much, if she's fine, watering the flowers is a good thing, helping her husband and raising her children."

"That's not what you said just now." Princess Ning looked at him.

Bai Yule smiled awkwardly, "I just said it to help Fifth Brother, you can see that the wife that Fifth Brother is looking for is very talented, but everyone has different ambitions and different hobbies. I don't like talented people. If you compare me, then I will feel inferior."

"We're here, let's go up and talk about it." The carriage had already parked firmly at the entrance of Sifang Inn.

The coachman moved the pedals to make it easier for Princess Ning to get out of the carriage.

Bai Yule also followed closely, worried that Ju Shenyuan would suffer later.

When I walked to the door of the room, there was a faint sobbing sound inside, and my heart sank even more.

It's over, Ju Shenyuan not only lost, but also cried!

This time, my mother will definitely make a big fuss about this matter.

At that time, without the shield of Ju Shenyuan, what should I do?
"I was fine when I left. Why are you crying? Go in and see what happened." Princess Ning said, and pushed open the door.

Bai Yule also thought of a countermeasure in an instant.

The moment the door opened, he rushed in and hugged Ju Shenyuan into his arms, but in fact both hands held down Ju Shenyuan's head, so as not to let her face lean against him.

It's just that from the angle of the door, it's like holding your face and wiping tears.Love is very sweet.

"Shenyuan, don't cry, it's my fault, I promised to come to see you this morning, but something was delayed, which made you sad, can I admit my mistake?"

As long as he takes all the blame on himself, mother can't say that Ju Shenyuan can't afford to lose.

As for the matter of losing talent to Fu Xiner, I will find a way to solve it alone.

Just thinking about it, Ju Shenyuan raised her head to look at him with a dry and puzzled face, "Master Bai, I'm not crying, I'm not such a stingy person."

Bai Yule looked at it and found that she really didn't cry.

Look again.

The person who was crying so hard was actually Fu Xiner.

Bai Yule became nervous for a moment, "Are you bullying Fu Xiner? She was brought by my mother. If you offend her, it will be very difficult for me."

Ju Shenyuan shook her head, "No, let's compete, she cried when she saw me talking."

Then, Bai Yule and Princess Ning came in.

Princess Ning did not expect that the situation was completely different from what she had imagined.

It's all right, why is it that Fu Xiner is crying instead?

This is Fu Taibao's precious granddaughter, even if she is Concubine Ning, she can't be taken out, just let her be bullied.

"What's going on here?" Princess Ning asked sharply.

"Princess Ning, don't be so angry, I'm not as good as Miss Ju, and I was overwhelmed by her talent, so I couldn't help but cry for a while."

Overwhelmed by Ju Shenyuan's talent?

Concubine Ning and Bai Yule both suspected that they had heard wrong.

"Xin'er, if you have any pain, just tell me, I will be the master for you, and no one will dare to do anything to you." Concubine Ning said.

Fu Xiner still shook her head, "It's Miss Orange who is really amazing, I want to come here soon and learn more from Miss Orange."

It seems that the more frustrated, the more courageous.

Concubine Ning felt a little more relieved.

Although Fu Xiner lost to Ju Shenyuan again, she did not give up at all and would continue to compete with Ju Shenyuan.

As long as you persist, you will be successful.

"Okay, then you come here every day. We will live in Anchang Town for a while, and we come here every day to bother you. Miss Orange won't mind?" Princess Ning asked.

"How could it be? It's my honor that Ms. Fu can come." Ju Shenyuan said.

"Okay then, let's go eat. Zhimian's family is hosting a banquet at Guangjuxuan, and we are here to pick you up." Bai Yule hurriedly ended the topic.

When Concubine Ning and Fu Xiner walked ahead, he deliberately lagged behind Ju Shenyuan by more than ten meters.

Then he asked in a low voice, "Couldn't you be a spy sent by Beiqi, otherwise, the leader of a theater troupe can do everything!"

"You are the spy, your whole family is a spy." Ju Shenyuan glared at him fiercely.

"Why are you so excited? I'm telling the truth. Do you know who Fu Xin'er is? She's a well-known talented woman in the capital. If people like me who are not interested know her, they can know her reputation in the capital. "

Such a talented girl, will lose to the head of the theater troupe?
Wouldn't it make people laugh out loud if they couldn't tell, saying that she was a talented girl who didn't deserve her name.

Ju Shenyuan was also very puzzled by this, "I have never heard of the story she told me about Nv Deli, and then I also told a folk love story, and she cried when she heard it."

"What did you say?"

"What else can I say, of course it's tense and exciting, A Chinese Ghost Story!" Ju Shenyuan replied.

(End of this chapter)

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