Chapter 538
This was the first time for Jiang Zhimian to see the old lady get so angry.

She has always advocated for any issues at home to be resolved properly, so as not to make trouble.

It can be seen that Jiang Lin really made her very angry this time.

Think about it too.

After running out twice and letting everyone find it, they refused to even say the reason.

The old lady is also afraid, afraid that there will be a third and fourth time.

Seeing his grandmother so angry, Jiang Lin's mouth was even tighter, and he refused to say anything.

"Second brother, what's the matter with you? Is there any problem? Let us help you solve it. There are so many people in our family, why can't we think of an idea?" Jiang Shu persuaded.

Boss Jiang also sighed, "Son, look how sad your mother and Miao Miao are, are you willing?"

The youngest Gufu also went over to persuade Jiang Lin, "Second brother, if you tell everyone, I'll give you the cloud cake my mother bought for me, okay?"

No matter what everyone said, Jiang Lin still didn't say anything.

In the end, he simply gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, pretending not to hear.

Mrs. Jiang became even more angry, "If you don't say yes, then lock him up and throw him in the woodshed. When you want to talk, you can talk about other things. You won't be given food or water. See How long can he last!"

"Mother, Brother Lin, I'm afraid I haven't eaten since noon yesterday, what should I do if I'm so hungry?" Liu Qiaoer was worried.

The old lady Jiang stared, "You can see if you are hungry. I can still afford the medical expenses, as long as you can hang your breath. Hurry up and lock me up!"

Jiang Zhimian remembered an old saying.

The more amiable person is usually, the more terrifying and frightening he is when he really gets angry.

My grandma is a typical representative of this old saying.

She said she would lock Jiang Lin up and not give him anything, so she really did.

He even sat outside the woodshed himself, beating anyone who dared to approach with a cane.

Even the little girl was frightened, she hid in Jiang Zhimian's arms and cried, her fair little face was covered with tears.

Sobbing and asking, "Third sister, grandma is still fierce, does it mean that grandma doesn't like second brother anymore, can I still see second brother in the future?"

"No, grandma is just joking. When you come back from private school, Second Brother will come out to play games with you." Jiang Zhimian coaxed him.

Jiang Gufu has always believed in Jiang Zhimian's words.

Immediately stopped crying, but her small body was still trembling uncontrollably, "Really, will the second brother come out?"

"Yes, but you have to behave well in private school today, and don't make your master angry."

"I will be very obedient." Xiao Gufu nodded seriously.

Jiang Zhimian patted her head again, and then let Liu Qiaoer take the four cubs to school.

Although the second elder brother has an accident now, everyone can't wait here with him. Those who have to work and go to school have to continue to work.

As for Jiang Lin, let her find a way to deal with it.

After everyone went to work, Jiang Zhimian also persuaded Mrs. Jiang, "Grandma, you haven't eaten breakfast yet. I know that the newly opened porridge shop outside is very delicious. May I take you there to eat?"

"I hurt my knee and it's not convenient to walk around, so I'll just sit here and wait, you go buy something for me," said the old lady.

This move won't work, so Jiang Zhimian makes another move.

"Then since you're injured, go back to your room and rest. I'll take care of Second Brother."

"I'm fine here, and I can bask in the sun." Mrs. Jiang still didn't leave.

No amount of persuasion will work, only force.

I don't know if it's because of her extreme anger, Mrs. Jiang is very smart today, and she can understand all Jiang Zhimian's thoughts.

The cup was filled with sleeping powder tea, and she didn't drink a sip!

This is no longer the case.

Jiang Zhimian really had no choice but to go to the next door and ask Chi Mohan for help.

Let him shoot from behind, and quickly stuff the sleep powder into grandma's mouth.

The Sleeping Powder melted in the mouth, and Mrs. Jiang had no chance to spit it out.

She stood up angrily, and glared at Chi Mohan, "How can you help Mianmian with things?"

"I don't dare to refuse to follow Mianmian's confession. Grandma Jiang, you should rest well. When you wake up, the matter will be resolved." Chi Mohan said softly.

The old lady Jiang wanted to reprimand Chi Mohan again, but her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and finally she couldn't lift them up.

Jiang Zhimian hurriedly supported her to prevent her from falling to the ground.

Then he helped her to lie down in the room, and asked Chi Mohan to go out first. After he healed the wound on the old lady's knee, he returned to the firewood room.

Jiang Lin is still locked inside.

Without Jiang Zhimian's explanation, Chi Mohan would never let Jiang Lin go.

"Excuse me, I'll go in and talk to my second brother first." Jiang Zhimian said.

She stepped in and saw Jiang Lin lying on the ground, still in a daze.

"Second brother, sit down." Jiang Zhimian helped him up, and asked again, "What happened, it's just the two of us now, and I promise not to tell anyone else, can you tell me?"

"Third sister, you better leave it alone." Jiang Lin finally spoke with difficulty.

Jiang Zhimian was in a hurry, "You are my second brother, I am your third younger sister, we are a family, now you have an accident, you ask me to leave it alone? Can I ignore it?"

After a pause, he continued, "Even if I don't want to take care of you, Auntie and Sister Miao Miao, they will take care of you. You don't know, right? Auntie fainted from fright last night. If you do this again, she will definitely will collapse."

"Third sister, aren't you a little genius doctor? You treat my mother." Jiang Lin was in a hurry.

Jiang Zhimian kept a straight face, "If you don't tell me the truth, I won't care."

She thought that this could threaten Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin's mind turned around.

She smiled bitterly, "Third sister, I know you are scaring me. You are the most affectionate and righteous, so how could you watch your aunt have an accident?"

Jiang Zhimian really has nothing to do with him.

It really is a family.

When the temper came up, the old lady and the second brother seemed to be carved out of the same mold.

Soft and hard do not eat!

She had to get up and go out.

But after a while, he turned back again, holding a plate of steamed buns and a glass of water in his hand.

Looking at Jiang Lin very angrily, "You can continue, but you have to eat something, otherwise you will faint from hunger, how can you compete with us?"

"Third sister..."

As soon as Jiang Lin started, Jiang Zhimian tore off a large piece of steamed bun and stuffed it into his mouth, "Eat quickly, I'll keep asking when I'm full!"

Although Jiang Zhimian looks fierce, all he does is care about his affairs.

He understood all of this in his heart.

When Jiang Lin thought about what happened to him, his heart ached even more, and he couldn't swallow the steamed buns in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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