Chapter 546: Play (1)

Looking at the crowds gathered around, the number of people has already exceeded Jiang Zhimian's expectation.

Very good, this is the time!
Jiang Zhimian gestured towards Wang San in the distance.

Wang San understood immediately, and led the servants and guards towards the back door of Yipinju.

At the main entrance, Jiang Zhimian also started his performance.

With a groan, she was about to rush inside.

Looking at the situation just now, the waiter in the shop was already scared to death, but now he saw Jiang Zhimian rushing in, so he hurriedly stopped him.

"What are you doing, you can't go in, girl, you can't go in!"

"Let me in, I want to find my second brother!" Jiang Zhimian shouted.

The waiter in the shop was even more puzzled, "Why is your second brother here? Even if he is here, he is here to eat. Why bother mobilizing people like this? People who don't know think we have done something to your second brother!"

"Do you still dare to admit it? Some of you want to kill my second brother. If I don't go in, my second brother will probably die!" Jiang Zhimian burst into tears.

At the right time, old man Jiang started to play the suona, which was an extremely sad tune, which was heartbreaking to hear.

Mrs. Jiang and the others also started to hug each other and cry.

"My poor Brother Lin, if there is something wrong in this store, I will... ram my head and die here!"

"Mother, if you and Brother Lin are gone, I won't be alive!" Liu Qiaoer cried even louder.

The Jiang family has a lot of people, and the scene of crying at the same time is very spectacular.

The waiter in the shop was stunned, completely unaware of what was going on.

Trembling, he said, "Wait a minute, I... I'll go to the shopkeeper, you and the shopkeeper have an agreement."

He is just a small worker who earns a monthly salary, and he really can't bear such a scene.

I was so scared that I peed my pants!
At the same time, in the backyard, the shopkeeper was drinking tea and watching Jiang Lin write recipes.

He couldn't understand a single word on that piece of paper.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but rejoice, fortunately, he had never learned to write, otherwise how would he deal with it now?
"What are you writing about? Why don't you just tell me directly, and I'll let someone write it down." The shopkeeper didn't understand the research, and gradually became irritable.

Jiang Lin quickly waved his hand, "If you write it down, it might spread, or if I write it down like this and tell you what it means, you will know."

"It's such a hassle, okay, okay, write it quickly." The shopkeeper waved his hands irritably, "In short, we have agreed, you give me the recipe, and I will give you money."

Jiang Lin nodded, and continued to slowly write the recipe that no one could understand.

At the same time, pay attention to the movement outside, and wait for the third sister to come to save him.

When the noise and the sound of suona appeared outside, Jiang Lin's mood instantly cheered up.

It was the third sister who came to save her.

And it must have brought a lot of people!

The first one is Grandpa, this suona sound, there is melancholy in the sadness, sorrow in the melancholy, and there is a little despair in the sorrow.

It was definitely blown out by grandpa!
Just thinking about it, the door of the house was pushed open, and the waiter ran in in a hurry, his face was completely anxious.

"What are you doing at the door, it looks like someone is dead?" The shopkeeper frowned dissatisfied.

The waiter wanted to cry, "Shopkeeper, if you don't go and have a look, you might really die!"

"What?" The shopkeeper stood up irritatedly, "What's going on? I'm so busy entertaining Brother Jiang Lin here, and there's someone making trouble in front of me?"

Really annoying!

"I don't know what's going on, but a group of people came and said they were looking for the second elder brother, and an old lady inside said that if they couldn't find it, they would slam their heads against the door to death!"

"Is it my grandma? I am the second child at home, and the one who calls me second elder brother should be my third younger sister." Jiang Lin asked in feigned surprise.

In fact, my heart has blossomed with joy.

He said that the third sister would definitely come to save him. I was thinking about it just now, but now it has arrived.

Shopkeeper Dog, get ready to accept the move!
"Your third sister and the others came to look for you? Didn't you tell them when you went out?" The shopkeeper became even more annoyed.

Jiang Lin spread his hands helplessly, "I don't have a chance to say it. Didn't you tell me, can't you tell other people? I think my third sister must have followed me to find out."

After a pause, he said again, "Otherwise, I'll go out and explain it to them, and say that you came to see me for a drink, how about that?"

"No!" The shopkeeper refused without thinking.

Now that Jiang Lin is going out, it proves that the Jiang family's words are correct.

At that time, there may be some rumors coming out.

I haven't got the recipe yet, how can I come up with these moths?

"You go through the back door and go home quickly, as we said before, you can't tell others, you know?"

As the shopkeeper said, he was about to drag Jiang Lin to the back door.

It only opened a slit, and then quickly closed it, my heart was beating with fright.

Oh my god, the back door is full of people too!
Going out now is throwing yourself into a trap.

After weighing it over and over again, the shopkeeper really had no choice but to throw all the things Jiang Lin just wrote into the stove, burn them with a fire, and destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces.

Then, with a smile on his face, he and Jiang Lin went out from the front door together, with a very kind tone, "Misunderstanding, everyone, you must have misunderstood."

Seeing Jiang Lin coming out, old man Jiang put down his suona, took a deep breath, and played the sad tune louder.

Jiang Zhimian also walked quickly to Jiang Lin's side, examined him carefully, and even took his pulse, "Second brother, you didn't eat what they gave you, did you?"

"I didn't eat, but I drank a cup of tea..." Jiang Lin replied truthfully.

Hearing this, Jiang Zhimian's expression changed instantly, and he called Wang San.

Wang San led a few guards over, and directly pressed the shopkeeper's hand on the big vermilion pillar.

"What are you doing, let me go quickly, is there any law left!" The shopkeeper struggled desperately.

Jiang Zhimian's eyes turned red, "You still dare to say the word Wang Fa, you poisoned my second brother again and again, trying to kill my second brother, did you care about the word Wang Fa?"


The shopkeeper was very wronged, "No, I didn't poison your second brother, we just chatted and drank, we have a good relationship."

"You still dare to lie, if you have a good relationship, why did you take my second brother to the village outside the town last night, and cook so many dishes to trick him into eating, many people in the village saw it, and one of the family's dogs ate the table The braised pork served will die immediately!"

"How is it possible, yesterday's braised pork was not poisonous at all!" The shopkeeper hurriedly explained, worried that he would be accused of murder.

(End of this chapter)

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