She became rich after being dressed as a group pet

Chapter 548 Reorganizing the Hot Pot Bureau

Chapter 548 Reorganizing the Hot Pot Bureau
Zuo Weirou jumped out from behind her father, her red lips were pouting so high that she could hang a bottle of oil.

Jiang Zhimian thanked with a smile, "Thank you Miss Zuo...'s father!"

"Hey, why are you like this? I sent my father here, shouldn't you thank me?" Zuo Weirou became even more angry.

"Then how did I see you just now?"

"Because my father won't let me come and help." Zuo Weirou still felt a little regretful.

If Jiang Mumu could see such a powerful side of himself, he would definitely like himself even more.

Just as he was thinking about it, the Zuo Zhuangzhu pampered his little daughter's nose, "You are so strong that no one wants to marry you. If you were asked to help out, would you beat her up?"

"Perhaps. I really couldn't bear it just now when I heard what he said. " Zuo Weirou was quite honest.

The owner of Zuo Zhuang spread his hands helplessly, "So, if I ask you to help, and everyone sees that you are so fierce, who will marry you in the future?"

"I don't care if they marry, someone will marry me." Zuo Weirou didn't care.

Zhuangzhu Zuo heard something else, "You mean, you already have someone in mind?"

"Of course, I like it... Daddy, why are you talking to me? I'm ignoring you!"

Zuo Weirou stomped her feet angrily.

"It's not my father's fault, then you tell me who is your ideal person, and my father will help you find out, if it is suitable, you can prepare to get married, and you are not too young now." Zuo Zhuang The Lord said with a smile.

Zuo Weirou bit her red lips lightly.

After hesitating for a long time, he said softly, "If the person I like is poorer, will you accept it?"

"Silly girl, it doesn't matter to be poor, the main thing is to be self-motivated. When Daddy and I married your mother, I was also poor and white. Now I have earned all these family fortunes by myself. It's a pity that your mother has no chance to see it."

But it would be different if it was Weirou's sweetheart.

As long as he is a good person and cares about Weirou, then all these family businesses belong to him.

With these family fortunes, do you still worry that Weirou will have a bad life?
"Then, I'll just... Forget it, I'll ask you to have dinner together some other day." Zuo Weirou said.

Today's occasion is really inappropriate to introduce Jiang Mumu to Dad.

When he made an agreement with Jiang Mumu another day, he was mentally prepared, and it would not be too late to meet again.

Zhuangzuo nodded, "Okay, then another day, don't go back on your word, hide your sweetheart from me."

"Understood." Zuo Weirou replied coquettishly.

He pushed the left owner's arm again, "Father, you should help Jiang Zhimian with this matter, the shopkeeper has been sent to the government, shouldn't we go too?"

"You want to watch the fun, right?" Zhuang Zhuo's words pierced the little daughter's mind.

Zuo Weirou chuckled, but didn't answer.

In fact, if Zuo Weirou didn't accept it, the owner of Zuo Zhuang also wanted to go.

Not only Zuo Zhuangzhu, but also Jiang Zhimian.

The three of them went to the county government office in the same carriage.

The shopkeeper has already been beaten [-] times, and his butt is blooming, not to mention how miserable it is.

And the official master saw that Zhuangzhu Zuo was very concerned about this case, and he was very concerned about it, and even found out about Yipinju's tax evasion before.

In addition to other miscellaneous things, it is not possible to go to jail, but Yipinju has been sealed up, and it will take half a year to reopen, and a lot of money has to be paid.

Yipinju, even if it is completely collapsed.

Not only that, many people saw the fact that Jiang Zhimian brought someone to Yipinju, and the more it spread, the more exaggerated it became. Later, people from the next town came here admiringly.

Because I heard that the third younger sister who is in charge of the chef of Guangjuxuan is a three-headed and six-armed person who is very majestic.

Just standing at the door and saying a few words already scared the shopkeeper of Yipinju to pee.

Everyone came here for the legendary third sister, but in the end, they were all overwhelmed by the taste of Guangjuxuan's food.

After a while, I will think of coming to Guangjuxuan to eat and reward my mouth and stomach.

Of course, this is a story.


On the night when Yipinju was settled, the Jiang family sat together to eat hot pot.

Old man Jiang sat at the top, still holding the suona in his hand, talking to everyone with a red face.

"Look around, is there anyone in Anchang Town who can play the suona better than me? Of course not. When I thought of our Mianmian, I couldn't exhaust my strength, and my hands were also very sharp. You can press and hold whichever eye you want, there is nothing wrong with it.

I watched, and the old lady next to me was crying, and then I asked her why she was crying, and she said that I played so well, it reminded her of her dead wife, as if she was right in front of her eyes, so she couldn't help crying up. "

Xiao Gufu immediately clapped her hands and applauded, "Grandpa is amazing!"

"Look, even Gufu knows that I'm very good." Old man Jiang's tail was almost up to the sky.

Mrs. Jiang gave him an angry look, picked a piece of potato from the clear soup pot, wrapped it in the dipping sauce in a bowl, and crushed it with chopsticks.

Handed it to my wife, "Blow it, blow it, you told me just now that your cheeks are so sore that you can't chew anything, and now you speak so sharply?"

"Oh, I'm not happy, I just tell everyone, so that Gufu and the others can grow up and be as good as me!" Old man Jiang was timid, and his voice was obviously much lower.

But the little girl next to her couldn't help it.

"No, no, I don't want to grow up to be like grandpa."

"Hey? Grandpa is so powerful, how can you say that." Jiang old man taught with a straight face.

The little girl pointed at his bowl, "Grandpa is so good, why do you have to let grandma break potatoes for dinner? My mother said that when I grow up, I have to eat by myself. Grandpa hasn't grown up yet!"

"What do you know, this is your grandma's love for me, don't you know?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mrs. Jiang pinched him under the table.

He stared viciously at him, "What are you talking about in front of the children, what do you love or not? You don't want to go to sleep tonight, do you? Hurry up and eat!"

"Oh..." Old man Jiang obediently obeyed.

After swallowing the potatoes in the bowl, he looked at Mrs. Jiang again, "I want to eat some meat."

"Your mouth hurts, not your hands, pinch it yourself." Mrs. Jiang didn't serve him.

Old man Jiang had no choice but to pick up the vegetables obediently.

But I dare not chew a whole piece of pork belly in my mouth, and it is very difficult to swallow it directly.

While hesitating, Mrs. Jiang had already handed over her bowl, and poured all the contents of the bowl to him.

He didn't forget to mutter, "I really owe you in my previous life. When I met you, I must have done a lot of sins in my previous life."

Looking at the meat in the bowl that had been cut with scissors, old man Jiang smiled.

"But why do I feel that meeting you is the blessing I have accumulated for eight lifetimes..."

(End of this chapter)

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