Chapter 559

Jiang Zhimian first demonstrated in front of Princess Ning.

She climbed the ladder to the beam of the house, quietly put some powder in the bird's nest, then took off the bird's nest, and walked outside with it.

The bird that was supposed to be angry with Jiang Zhimian obediently stood on Jiang Zhimian's shoulder.

Jiang Zhimian moved its nest to the willow tree outside the house.

The birds circled the willows very happily, singing beautifully with their crisp voices.

"Zhimian, how did you do it?" Princess Ning asked very curiously.

Jiang Zhimian pursed her lips and smiled, "It's a secret."

If you tell Concubine Ning, how will the next plan proceed?
Princess Ning laughed, "Okay, then you can use your secret to get all the other birds out, and I'll let the servant girl support you."

"No need, I asked Chi Mohan to help me. This ladder has to be moved around all the time, and it's quite troublesome. The little maid probably won't be able to support it." Jiang Zhimian declined politely.

Concubine Ning agreed after thinking about it.

She wasn't interested in catching birds, so she looked at it for a while, then turned and left, and only told the two maids around her to stay to help Jiang Zhimian.

But Fu Xiner didn't leave, she stood by and talked to Jiang Zhimian one after another.

From the guest's room to Fu Xiner's room, nothing was found.

When he finally went to the study, Jiang Zhimian saw the clue at a glance.

Behind one of the paintings, there is a mystery hidden.

Probably because the things inside were not placed properly, the middle of the painting protruded slightly.

You can't find it just by looking at it head-on, but it's very obvious to Jiang Zhimian who is standing on the ladder.

It should be here.

Thinking about it, Jiang Zhimian gave Fu Xiner a look.

Fu Xiner understood immediately.

She cleared her throat and said, "Zhimian, you must be tired, I'll bring a pot of water."

When you're done, turn around and go out.

But when he walked to the door, he tripped over the threshold and immediately clutched his leg in agony, "My leg... hurts so much!"

The little maid next to her was frightened and hurried over to help Fu Xin'er up.

But Fu Xiner hurriedly yelled to stop, and curled up into a ball in even more pain, "It seems like my bones have been broken."

Jiang Zhimian pretended to be surprised, "This is not a trivial matter, you must see a doctor quickly, otherwise if the bones don't grow well in the future, you will become lame."

"I don't want to be crippled, you two send me to see a doctor, hurry up!" Fu Xiner shouted.

The maid was very hesitant.

They were told by Princess Ning to guard Jiang Zhimian, if they leave now...

"Hurry up, if I'm crippled and can't get married, you don't even think about getting married, and wait to be buried with me in the future." Fu Xiner uttered harsh words for the first time in order to let the two of them leave.

What the bad characters in this book say is really cool!

The servant girl was also trembling, she quickly helped Fu Xiner up and went outside.

Even if they didn't send Fu Xiner to see a doctor, it would take a lot of time if they met someone to help on the way.

Jiang Zhimian seized the time, jumped off the ladder, and went straight to the painting.

When I opened it, I saw a small wooden box embedded in the wall behind the painting. The bulge just now was because the door of the wooden box was not closed properly.

Open it now, and inside is a rotatable iron turntable.

Jiang Zhimian turned around clockwise, and heard the cabinet in the study rattling and opened to both sides, and there was a dark hole inside!

It seems that this is the dark room!

"I'll go in, but you're outside. If someone comes, just close the dark room and just say I'll go out and set up the bird's nest." Chi Mohan said.

Although the dark room has been found, no one knows what's going on inside, so it's better to be careful, and it's better for him to go by himself.

Jiang Zhimian was also worried that if Chi Mohan was left outside, he would not be able to cope.

So he nodded, "Then be careful, I'll wait for you outside."

Chi Mohan nodded, and stepped into the dark room.

In the dark black hole, it took Chi Mohan a while to see the structure clearly.

This dark room has a very long and narrow passage. After passing through this passage, everything in front of you suddenly becomes clear. It is a large room with many boxes piled up in the corner.

And Qilin knelt in the middle.

Qilin's face was pale and tight, his lips were dry and skinny, and he looked haggard, but his back was still straight.

"Kirin." Chi Mohan stepped forward and shouted.

Only then did Qilin turn his head slowly, and his tone was as respectful as always, "Fifth Lord."

"Time is running out, so don't ask me anything, I'll ask you instead, did Princess Ning force you to come here, or did you do it voluntarily?" Chi Mohan cut to the point.

Qilin was also very straightforward, "I did it voluntarily."


"Because Princess Ning said that I am delusional about Young Master Bai, let me come here and think it through, if I admit my mistake, give me a sum of money, and I will have nothing to do with Prince Ning's mansion from now on, if I don't admit my mistake..."

"What if you don't admit your mistake?" Chi Mohan asked.

Qilin lowered his head, "If she doesn't admit her mistake, she will send me to the palace, and let me stop thinking about it completely."

There is only one possibility for a man to go to the palace.

Chi Mohan didn't want to ask too clearly.

At the same time, she was very clear in her heart that Princess Ning made such a decision because of nostalgia for the past.

Qilin was brought back to Prince Ning's mansion when he was a child, Princess Ning took good care of him and treated him like a half son.

Now that her real son wants to be with her fake son, besides being angry, she also can't bear it.

Otherwise, when Qilin said the words that he likes Bai Yule, Princess Ning could give him the death penalty.

"Fifth Master, Princess Ning gave me two choices, but I don't want to choose either. If I can't be with Lord Bai in the end, I will choose to die by myself." Qilin said firmly.

After a pause, he continued, "So, don't look for me anymore, and don't mention the fact that you found me today. Just treat him as if I ran away. It's better for him to be disappointed than desperate."

"I will not let you die, nor will I let you leave Bai Yule." Chi Mohan firmly promised.

Facing Qilin's stunned eyes, he said again, "Don't give up when you encounter problems, learn from the fifth lady, the more frustrated you become, the more courageous you are, you are the real hero."

"...But Princess Ning." Qilin still hesitated.

Chi Mohan said again, "We will find a way, you stay well."

After explaining, he took out two dry biscuits from his pocket and handed them to Qilin, "Eat it."

In the past, when Princess Ning asked others to kneel down, she would never give her food. At most, she would drink some water, saying that being hungry can make people sober.

It can be seen that Qilin has been hungry for more than a day, and if he doesn't eat something, his body will not be able to bear it.

Qilin has to live well, so they can think of a way!

(End of this chapter)

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