chapter 585
Because of starvation for a long time, Goudan'er's body was very thin, and when he curled up, he was like a ball. From the holes in his ragged and dirty clothes, he could see his ribs protruding high.

Skinny, that's what he was talking about.

Jiang Zhimian loves him very much, but he really can't give him these things now.

After thinking about it, I made a cup of sugar water for him and asked him to drink it.

"It's not that we don't give you food, it's because you can't eat now. You have been hungry for a long time, and you were poisoned and vomited just now. If you eat these things now, you will easily have diarrhea and even die, you know?" Jiang Zhimian explained to him.

Goudan'er held the cup, lowered his head and whispered, "I know my sister."

Although Goudaner was very sensible, Jiang Zhimian and the others speeded up their eating.

Even Bai Yule didn't say any more words of praise.

After eating, Qilin took the pots and utensils and went to the nearby stream to clean them.

Jiang Zhimian also took Goudan to wash his face, at least his face can be seen.

Only then did I realize that Goudan'er was actually a girl, she was quite pretty, but there were many red spots on her face, which didn't seem to be bitten by mosquitoes, but more like bee bites.

"I saw a beehive on a tree that day, and I thought I could eat honey, but I got stung." Goudaner whispered.

"Where are you from?" Jiang Zhimian asked.

Goudaner shook his head and refused to say, his eyes instantly became terrified, "Sister, you must not send me back, I can't go back to match the ghost marriage, the aunt next door said, the ghost marriage is to be dragged to be buried alive !"

Marriage in the dark, buried alive?
What is this all about!

Jiang Zhimian became more and more confused, pressed Goudan'er's trembling shoulders, and asked what was going on.

After a lot of tossing, Jiang Zhimian understood the general ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that Goudaner's family was too poor, but they were in a hurry to spend money, so they could only push the girl Goudaner to be married to others, so that they could exchange some money.

"I came here from far away. I heard that it would be better to go to the capital. Beggars in the capital can eat meat buns every meal, so I want to go there." Goudaner said, his eyes full of longing.

It would be great if I could eat meat buns every meal.

Jiang Zhimian didn't quite understand, "What does it mean to be in a hurry to spend money? Is it because there is something important to do at home?"

Goudaner shook his head blankly, "I don't know, anyway, at this time of year, the family is in a hurry to spend money. I married my sister last year, and the gift money was just enough. This year, I wanted to marry me, but If you can't find someone else, you can only go for a ghost marriage."

Then, he looked at Jiang Zhimian pitifully, "Sister, don't send me back, okay?"

"I won't take you back, and we're going to the capital. If you don't mind, you can come with us."

"Really?" Goudaner was very happy, "I promise I won't eat your food, and I won't ride in your carriage. I'll follow, as long as you are willing to take me there."

She herself was like a headless chicken, walking on this pipeline for a long time, and she was really scared.

If she can be with someone, at least she can feel more at ease.

As for eating and riding in a carriage, Goudan'er doesn't expect much at all.

"You can eat or take a carriage, but you have to work." Jiang Zhimian said.

Goudaner nodded quickly, "What work?"

"Is it okay to gather firewood to make a fire, wash dishes and feed the horses?" Jiang Zhimian didn't arrange any heavy work either.

Goudaner said that there is no pressure.

She used to do this when she was at home.

As for feeding horses, he has no experience, but it should be similar to feeding pigs!

After agreeing to these, Jiang Zhimian saw that the sun was still relatively high at noon, and the water in the creek was also very clear, so he arranged for Goudan to go down to take a bath and wash his hair.

Just get in the car like this, isn't it going to smoke them to death?

"You wash first, I'll get you clothes." Jiang Zhimian said.

But when she turned around, she found that Goudaner was also following.

"I... I'll wash it later, I'll get it for you." Goudaner whispered.

Jiang Zhimian understood that she was worried that he would leave while she was taking a bath.

At that time, it will turn into a miserable situation of a person running around in the woods again.

"Okay, let's go together." Jiang Zhimian said.

She searched for a long time in the car, found a relatively small piece of clothing, and took her new bellyband, and then led Goudan to take a bath.

Goudaner jumped into the creek very quickly this time, and began to take a bath.

If Jiang Zhimian hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she really couldn't believe that a person could be so dirty.

The creek, which was still crystal clear just now, has become cloudy in an instant, okay?

Fortunately, the bath beans were enough, and it took four times of washing in a row to change Goudan from a dirty child into a clean little girl.

Without a hair dryer, Jiang Zhimian could only simply wipe her hair with gauze and let it hang behind her like this.

Although the dress was small, it was still very big for Goudaner.

Helpless, I had to tie my wrists and ankles with hair ties, and a rope was tied around my waist, so I could barely move normally.

Leading such a dog, Jiang Zhimian went back to the carriage.

"I didn't expect to tidy it up like this, it looks pretty good." Lian Yun said.

Bai Yule also nodded, "Yeah, I didn't expect it to be a girl, the way I ate the porridge just now, I can't relate to a girl at all."

"I... I'm too hungry." Goudaner bowed his head in embarrassment.

Jiang Zhimian was too lazy to talk to Bai Yule, so he took Goudaner and started to recognize people.

Goudaner also yelled obediently, "Sister Zhimian, Sister Yun, Brother Yule, Brother Qilin, and Brother Mohan."

"Hi Goudaner, how old are you? You look so young." Bai Yule asked.

Hearing this, Goudan'er thought that Bai Yule was worried that he was too young to do anything and would leave him behind.

He hurriedly said, "I'm twelve, Brother Yule, I can do anything, I can feed pigs at home, I will cook for you, so that you can eat to your satisfaction!"

It's okay to cook for him, but what about feeding the pigs in front of Mao?
Bai Yule always felt that something was wrong.

But Lian Yun was very suspicious of this age, "You are twelve? It looks like you are only seven or eight years old."

"Yeah, is such a small one lying?" Bai Yule asked.

Jiang Zhimian raised his hand, "If you're lying, you can tell by opening your mouth, son of a bitch, open your mouth and let them see."

Although he didn't know why, Goudan'er opened his mouth obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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