Chapter 115 Wen Ruo
"What? Go to class? Let me tell you, if you don't come to me in time to treat your foot, you don't have to go to class. Fortunately, there is no fracture. If there is a fracture, little girl, you can cry!" the school doctor teacher Although he said so on his mouth, he still accelerated the speed on his hands.

Li Mengyao turned to look at the boy: "What's your name? Which class are you in? My name is Li Mengyao, I'm in the key class."

The boy scratched his head: "I'm a student in a key class one grade higher than you, and my name is Wen Ruo."

Li Mengyao raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Wen Ruo? It looks like a girl's name... class is about to start now, senior, you should go back to class first, I'm not in the way here, don't delay class because of me."

Wen Ruo said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm a member of the student union, it doesn't matter if I don't go to class, don't worry, I'd better help you back to the classroom and then go back."

"Student Council?" Isn't that Zi Qing's subordinate?
This Wen Ruo was actually the senior who helped Fang Haobai find Luo Ziqing that night. He was not weak, but the clothes he was wearing were too loose to see the muscles inside.

"Yes, I am an older member of the student union. Are you a good friend of our president? The president often mentions you and that girl named Gu Yiqi!" Wen Ruo recalled carefully, and found that this girl is A partner who has always been in my heart.

As expected of being the president, the friends I make are also pretty and temperamental.

"Oh? Really?!" Li Mengyao squinted her eyes triumphantly, "Zi Qing, she just loves to show off, in case others don't know that Yi Qila and I are such good friends!"

Wen Ruo raised the corners of her mouth in a funny way, causing her lips to curl up in an arc: "It is said that the president likes to show off, don't you too? You girl, you are really interesting!"

Li Mengyao rolled his eyes at him: "Don't call me a girl! Make it as if I know you very well, hum!"

The school doctor suddenly raised his head: "Little classmate, you are doing it wrong! They kindly sent you here, why are you still talking to them like this?"

Li Mengyao curled her lips and stopped talking.

After the school doctor took care of her foot, Wen Ruo stretched out his hand and put it in front of Li Mengyao: "Then dear miss, would you like to discuss the next face and let me help you back to the classroom?"

Li Mengyao raised her eyebrows: "It's nothing to be courteous, it's either adultery or stealing, so I refuse."

After finishing speaking, Li Mengyao stood up by herself, and limped towards the classroom. When she was caught off guard, her legs flew into the air: "Miss, I won't allow you to refuse."

Wen Ruo, a weak-looking boy, actually hugged her princess? !
Li Mengyao didn't expect Wen Ruo's strength to be so strong. If she struggled, nine out of ten she would hit the ground on her buttocks, so Li Mengyao had to discuss with him in a good voice: "Senior, can a man and a woman kiss each other?"

"There's no one around."

"The time I have known you is less than an hour!"

"But I'm happy to help."

"Senior, I beg you not to be so kind, okay?"

"Kindness cannot be changed overnight."


"If you talk again, believe it or not, I will gag your mouth?"

"Learn... woo! Let go... open... um..."

Caught off guard again, Wen Ruo put Li Mengyao on the ground, quickly stuffed a big apple into her mouth that she didn't have time to eat at noon, and then hugged her again with satisfaction: "I see how you still talk!"

 Do you prefer Li Li CP or Li Ruo CP?

  If it was Li Li cp, then Wen Ruo would have to mess with Chi Yinyin, if it was Li Ruo cp Haoli would die alone!

(End of this chapter)

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