Chapter 121 Embarrassment
Li Mengyao didn't want Fang Haoli to really take her home. Although she was a girl, she still had some weight. For such a long journey, Fang Haoli was reluctant to part with her if she wanted to!
In fact, the housekeeper had already arrived when Fang Haoli packed up his things. Li Mengyao got in the car and left. As for the schoolbag, Fang Haoli would definitely deliver it by himself.

Li Mengyao was sitting in the car, looking at the street scene outside the window, tears rolling down her cheeks silently.

A love is over before it begins.

But does this mean rebirth?

"Miss, the young master told you to wait for him to have dinner together," the housekeeper saw that Li Mengyao was not in a good mood, so he decided to tell her the news to make her happy, and temporarily forget about the bad things.

"What?! Brother is back? When is it!" Li Mengyao jumped up in the back seat in an instant, smiling as if nothing had happened just now.

Li Mengyao's father fell ill after the previous company's economic crisis because he was too anxious. The doctor told him to rest for a while, so her mother took her father to a villa in the countryside for the elderly. Give them two brothers and sisters. Although Li Mengyao founded the company, she is still in school, so most of the things are related to Li Mengyao's elder brother, Li Meng, the good brother of the two brothers of the Fang family.

This Li Meng is also a good-looking talent, pursued by many girls, although he is only the executive president, the real president is his sister Li Mengyao, but this does not affect his status in the company, after all, he has indeed shown his strength to everyone , so no one in the company disobeyed him.

But because the company's work is too busy, Li Meng usually sleeps in the company, so Li Meng has no time to accompany Li Mengyao, his sister.

It was because of this that Li Mengyao was so happy when she heard that Li Meng was coming back.

"Housekeeper! Hurry up! I have to go back early to arrange the layout and welcome my brother home haha!"

"Yes! Miss." Seeing a smile finally appeared on his lady's face, the housekeeper couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Every time the young master comes back, the young lady is so excited, she is a person who can start her own company, just like a child.

Here Fang Haoli is still debating whether or not to send the schoolbag over, give it away, for fear of embarrassment for the two of them, don't give it away, and also fears that Li Mengyao will use the contents of the schoolbag.

He knew that Li Mengyao didn't want to see him when he left, but...

Forget it, send it!Just send it to the employer downstairs and leave, if you don't know how to meet each other, it's fine.

So he went to Li Mengyao's house in the car where the servant came to pick him up, but... got stuck in the middle of the road.

When Fang Haoli finally arrived at Li Mengyao's house, when he got out of the car, he happened to meet Li Meng!
Seeing each other, both of them were stunned for a moment, and then they were surprised and delighted.

"Hao Li?"

"Brother Li?"

Thus, Fang Haoli was pushed into the house by Li Meng.

"Brother! Welcome home! Yaoyao misses you to death! Hahaha!...Huh?" Li Mengyao jumped to the door with a lame leg when she heard her brother's voice. He found Fang Haoli by accident.

"Yaoyao, look who's here?" Li Meng pushed Fang Haoli in front of Li Mengyao, "This one is brother's good friend, good brother!"

Fang Haoli smiled awkwardly and shrugged helplessly.

Li Mengyao looked at her brother, alas!Why does my brother's IQ always drop at critical moments?

 I quite like the name Qi Ye~ Hehehe~ Vote for a reward, my dear babies?Um?

(End of this chapter)

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