childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

Chapter 141 Helper or opponent?

Chapter 141 Helper or opponent?

"What is the relationship between these two writers? If it's just the relationship between direct descendants and offshoots, then there's no great reason to help them, right?"

"Senior Wen Ruo is the young master of the Wen family, and Wen Qi is his distant cousin. Judging from his tone, Senior Wen Ruo also dislikes Wen Qi very much. It can be seen that the relationship between the two Wen families is actually not good."

"Then there is no reason, how can it work?"

"The only explanation is that this collateral writer hopes to use the power of his own family to expand his influence in city Z, so as to make a comeback, and then give some unattractive benefits to the direct line writer, and finally become the biggest force in city z square!"

"Then...Wen Ruo... is he from there?"

"In a way, that's true, but in another way, he's even a great assistant on our side."

"Wen Ruo, as the young master of the direct line of the Wen family... will never form a united front with us."

"That's not necessarily true." Luo Ziqing smiled, and handed the information she found to Fang Haoli: "These are some information about Senior Wen Ruo that I asked Haobai to help me find on the way here, and I found an Internet cafe on the way and typed them up , take a look."

"Internet cafe?"

"Hey, even though I'm under 18, the boss is very nice and lent me a laptop."

"...Is this information credible?"

"With Haobai's ability, what is it to find such a small amount of things?"

"Okay! I'll wait for Dad to wake up and tell him. But why did the Mu family help them?"

"I don't know about this either. I suspect that something happened that we don't know about. In short, we need to find out!"

Fang Haoli looked at his watch, the time was still early: "Alright then, let's put this matter aside, you haven't eaten yet, have you?"

Luo Ziqing hurried over from school, of course she didn't eat, but because she wanted to find Fang Haobai, she brought a lunch box.

"I haven't eaten yet, but I brought some food for Haobai and myself. I'd better go and find Haobai. I'll take a taxi there later, otherwise there won't be enough time."

Fang Haoli guessed that Fang Moshu would have to sleep for a while, so he decided to drive Luo Ziqing there by himself, but Luo Ziqing refused on the grounds that "the important people in the company are watching".

Looking at the back of Luo Ziqing running away, Fang Haoli raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, his sister is still so cute~

But it's still a little worse than that little girl from the Li family...

Luo Ziqing ran to the side of the road and hailed a taxi and went to the hospital. She didn't even have time to wait for the elevator, so she ran directly up the stairs.

"Haobai! I'm coming! Eh? Is the godmother here too?" Luo Ziqing pushed the door open and broke in, only to find that Shui Ruoqing was there, and threw herself into Shui Ruoqing's arms happily.

"Look at you, you're sweating all over your body, why are you in such a hurry? We Haobai won't run away again!" Shui Ruoqing rubbed her little head in her arms with a smile, and wiped her sweat.

Luo Ziqing's mouth was as sweet as honey: "I'm not in a hurry! The main reason is that I'm so happy to see my godmother~"

Shui Ruoqing pampered the tip of her nose: "Just such a small mouth! He can say anything! You, why didn't you become my daughter, alas!"

"Godmother, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm your daughter now~" Luo Ziqing babbled, kissed Shui Ruoqing's face, and smiled.

Fang Haobai looked at the two of them sadly, and shook his head helplessly. There is no need to worry about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the future...

"Zi is it?"

 Qiqi doesn’t force everyone to like Qiqi’s books, but as long as someone says they don’t like it, Qiqi will really be sad for a long time. It’s because I stayed up many nights, fainted many times in the car, and almost got caught many times. It was written when the car crashed into it. For Qiqi, it is almost all of Qiqi...Here, Qiqi would say something to those who don't like it: I am working hard, so I am worthy of myself
  In addition, if you really want to scold, don't scold the book, just scold Qiqi, if you scold it, it's not fair to it.

(End of this chapter)

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