Chapter 149 Late Confession

"what do you mean?"

"Mengyao, I like you. I don't agree with you because you are too good and stand too high. What about me? I'm just a son who relies on the strength of my family to stand so high in the company. No one dares Question my ability, no one dares to point out my fault, everyone only knows how to flatter, only I know how weak I am."

"There was an accident at the company, and I couldn't do anything to help. I could only watch my dad bustle around and take care of everything by himself, and then lay down on the sofa to rest. All I could do was cover him with a quilt. "

"You said, how can such a poor me promise you? How can I give you an arm to protect you? How can I be qualified to accept your love?"

Fang Haoli's eyes were full of unwillingness, and there was a little sparkle in them.

Li Mengyao had been crying a long time ago, she threw herself into Fang Haoli's arms: "Are you stupid?!! I just like you!"

"There is nothing wrong with you, what I like is good!"

Fang Haoli really wanted to hug her tightly and never let go, but how could he allow himself to make a vague promise to a girl?
He pushed Li Mengyao away: "Mengyao, you wait for me, when I become good enough to be worthy of you, I will definitely marry you into the door of our Fang family!"

Li Mengyao grabbed Fang Haoli's sleeve, cried and yelled at him: "How do you know that I will always wait for you? How can you delay my youth, I might fall in love with other boys!"

Is this threatening him?

Fang Haoli touched her head: "I don't need you to wait for a long time, one year is enough, this year, can you wait for me?"

Li Mengyao waved her hands and walked back directly: "One year, it's agreed, if you don't come to me after one year, I will definitely! I will! I will never talk to you again!"

Fang Haoli watched her disappear, picked up his phone and sent Fang Haobai a message: I'm leaving first.

Then, turn around and leave.

A year is not a long time, and any second now should be cherished.

He decided to go to school and drop out first. Anyway, he had already been admitted to the university ahead of time. It would not be a big problem if he failed to get into high school. Then he would go to university for two or three days to apply for early graduation and get a degree.Then he went to the company and started from the bottom again. He had to rely on his own strength to advance to the position step by step, and take this opportunity to understand the whole company, so that he could prepare for the management of the company in the future.

He went directly to the school by himself, went through the withdrawal procedures with the school's dean, and then told him to go directly to Fang Moshu to sign.

Although it was the weekend, the teachers of Luoying's administration department were on duty at the school in turn.

The dean is not surprised by this kind of behavior. The young master of this kind of rich family has some personalities that are simply normal. Besides, he is a genius, so he goes to school?That kind of stuff is not for geniuses.

Fang Hao left the car and went to the company, went straight to the president's office, ignored the surprised eyes of the secretary's sister, pushed the door open and went in.

In the past, he had to knock on the door obediently and get permission before he would go in.

Following Fang Moshu's surprised gaze, Fang Haoli slapped his resignation application on his desk: "President, I have to resign for a while. This is my resignation application. Please sign it."

The corner of Fang Moshu's mouth suddenly curled into a smile.

 Come!Got it!I want to resign!

  Meow... The baby can't learn Fang Haoli, so... he won't leave the job... Hehehe, are you scared? ! !

(End of this chapter)

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