Chapter 158 I am Haoli
"Then have you ever thought that that person is not the one he loves at all?" Fang Haoli lowered his eyes sadly: "Maybe he has no choice but to be forced to."

Li Mengyao shook her head: "No, he is so good, how could he be persecuted. He is so powerful, no way."

powerful?Wrong, he is not strong at all!Even weak enough to be forced by a woman!

"Anyway, I'm leaving today. He will breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I'm gone, and then start his new life in a relaxed way. This must be what he wants, right?" Li Mengyao said, tears welling up in her eyes " Woo...Anyway, he is already getting engaged, he will be happy, if I stalk me, it's no fun, woo woo..."

Fang Hao felt a pain in his heart, he really wanted, really wanted to go up, give this girl he loves a hug, so that she can lean in his arms with peace of mind, cry to her heart's content, act like a baby with him, be like the girl he loves today The heroine of the so-called engagement banquet.

"Mengyao, don't cry, he will feel bad when he sees it..." Fang Haoli resisted the urge to hug her, and said, "Even if he is going to get engaged, but he must still be married." With you, you have to believe that."

"Enough, stop talking! I'm going to go through the security check, Zi Qing is tired from crying and fell asleep, you can take her back, tell Hao Li: See you no more!" Li Mengyao finished speaking, carrying her bag, He pulled the suitcase and walked towards the security checkpoint, leaving only a handsome back.

Watching her back gradually shrinking and disappearing from sight, Fang Haoli's tears that he had endured for a long time finally slid down his cheeks: "Mengyao, I'm must...must be fine."

Li Mengyao got on the plane, found her own seat and sat down. The plane taxied quickly on the takeoff path, and finally left the ground and flew into the sky.

Seeing from the window that the place where I lived for so long is slowly moving away from me, I finally cried bitterly: "Hao Li, you have to be well, you must be well! I'm leaving, you must take care of yourself in the future... "

"Miss, are you okay?" A hand stretched out in front of Li Mengyao, holding a beautiful handkerchief: "Would you like to calm down first?" Li Mengyao raised her head...

"Hao Li?!"

At this moment, Fang Haoli had a bright smile on his face. Although his hair looked messy, he was still as handsome and gentle as ever: "Miss, why don't you wipe your tears first, let's go down and find a place to talk slowly?"

Li Mengyao gritted her teeth and swept away the handkerchief in his hand: "Aren't you engaged? Why are you here?"

Fang Haoli stretched out his index finger and pressed it on Li Mengyao's lips: "Don't talk, my identity is Fang Haobai now, he blocked me at the engagement banquet, I will tell you everything, can you get off the plane first?" ? I just broke through the security check, and the security is still looking for me..."

Li Mengyao was finally amused by his pitiful expression, and took her bag and got off the plane with Fang Haoli. Sure enough, as soon as she got out of the cabin, she was stopped by several people in security uniforms: "Sir, you just broke into the plane. Our security check, we are going to take you to investigate now, please cooperate." Li Mengyao handed the ticket in her hand to the staff next to her: "I won't sit, can you please refund it for me?"

The stewardess next to her looked at her in surprise, but still lowered her head: "Okay miss."

Li Mengyao turned to the security guard again and said, "I'm sorry, this is my younger brother. He knew I was going abroad, and he was too anxious to go through the security check."

(End of this chapter)

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