childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

Chapter 164 It's All Engagement

Chapter 164 It's All Engagement
"Dad, I didn't expect that you could use your own daughter for your own benefit! If he knew about it, he wouldn't love me even more..."

"So what if he doesn't love you? He doesn't love you in the first place. How many times do I have to tell you to understand that he already has someone he likes, and he won't like you. When our plan is completed, he will have to keep going Staying by your side, don't you understand?"

"Dad! I..."

"Xiaorou!" The male voice interrupted Ying Xiaorou, with a very stern tone, "I forbid you to talk about this matter again, you just follow my instructions! Do you understand!"

For a long time, there was no sound from the monitor, only the sudden sound of closing the door, and Ying Xiaorou's hysterical sentence:
"I hate you!"

Then there was only Ying Xiaorou crying, Fang Haobai frowned, turned off the monitor and computer, and fell into deep thought while lying on the bed.

What's going on, what are the plans of the father and daughter?How do they want to turn the tables and turn Fang's company into theirs?What did they use to threaten Hao Li? Why was he so scared and didn't dare to resist at all?

Fang Haobai guessed that it was probably because Ying Xiaorou controlled Li Mengyao.

Li Mengyao is Fang Haoli's weakness. He can be afraid of nothing, but the only thing he can be afraid of is that the person he loves will be hurt. For him, as long as he uses one of them to threaten Fang Haoli, Fang Haoli will not be afraid of anything. Li will not dare to act rashly, right?
Forget it... Let's look again, there is too little information now.

The next day, Fang Haobai and Luo Ziqing went to school and found that Situ Yu and Gu Yiqi had actually come!
Luo Ziqing threw herself into Gu Yiqi's arms: "Yiqi, where have you been for so long, and you haven't called a single one, are you worried about me? Playing missing?"

Gu Yiqi patted Luo Ziqing's head embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, I didn't have time to contact you because of an emergency."

"A sudden situation? What about Yu? Didn't he just follow him? Didn't he have any sudden situation? He didn't have time to make a phone call, right?"

"He... didn't have it in the first place, but he got it after he went..."

"So what's going on?"

Gu Yiqi looked at Situ Yu hesitantly: "Why don't you tell me?"

Situ Yu glanced at him, and found that his little girl was shy, and understood that she was shy, so she simply walked in front of her domineeringly, wrapping her arms around her waist, Luo Ziqing also walked aside tactfully, waiting for him to speak.

"Yiqi and I will get engaged as soon as we graduate."

got engaged?got engaged! ! !
"What are you talking about?!"

Didn't you just go back to your hometown?Why are you getting engaged?
"Originally, I just went back to hold a wedding for a distant cousin, so I stayed a little longer. Because I stayed with the bride all the time, I didn't say hello to you, but I didn't expect this guy to move so fast. When I arrived at my hometown, my parents sold me on impulse when they saw how sincere he was."

"What is sincerity? It's because I'm handsome! These are the exact words of my aunt!" Situ Yu said with a dissatisfied face.

"Cut! You are so kind." Gu Yiqi didn't show any face, although what Situ Yu said was correct, but she couldn't let him be so arrogant!

Luo Ziqing smiled and sat back in her seat: "That's pretty good..."

It's a pity that they are both can there be such a big difference between the two sides?

 Come!Ask for a reward for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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