Chapter 168 Games
"Recently in the league, I want to brush up the record."

"It's simple, you let me control your computer, I'll call for you, and you use another computer to do things. You should have other computers there, right?"

"Yes, but, can your game technology do it?"

"You usually don't talk much, why do you have so many things when it comes to games?"

"It's about the bonus I can get!!!"

"You still care about such a small bonus? You can do whatever program you want, and the money is still at your fingertips?"

"'s better to play games and get bonuses."

"That's how you are. Obviously you can rely on talent, but you must be a gamer."

"Cut, stop talking nonsense, the initiative of the computer is given to you, if I see you lose even one game, I will kill you."

"Okay, I'll take care of things, don't worry."

So Fang Haobai played the game for Chun Shiye in this way. Originally, he was not interested in games, but this game in front of him...looks pretty fun~
Knowing that Chun Shiye urged him to return the initiative of the computer to him for the eighth time, Fang Haobai reluctantly returned the initiative to Chun Shiye.

"You have a really fun game."

"Of course, the game I chose, of course it's fun."

"You didn't do it, what are you proud of?"

"I really made this game, I'm sorry~"

"You still play games."

"I am the Leaf of the Dead Spring!"

Fang Haobai looked helplessly at his faded profile picture, knowing that he had already settled it, and went off to cheat with his teammates.

However, among his teammates, there are quite a few familiar ones, those names seem to have been seen somewhere...

Fang Haobai saw a small window automatically pop up on the computer screen. It was another person's desktop. Fang Haobai saw it when he went to the company today. This is Fang Haoli's computer.

Fang Haobai raised his eyebrows, why is he still in the company so late?

He raised his hand and typed in the dialog box below: "Haoli, I'm Haobai."

Fang Haobai saw his sentence pop up on Fang Haoli's computer screen on the computer. Fang Haoli was typing on the keyboard, and only then did he discover this hidden program.

"what happened?"

"I pretended to be the dead leaf. If you need help in any situation, you can find me on the hidden program of the computer. If you don't reply in 5 minutes, you can send me a message on your mobile phone, write "pc", They won't be suspicious."

"it is good."

"Then I'll sleep first."


Fang Haoli stared at his computer screen for a while, and sighed helplessly. He originally wanted to solve this matter by himself, but unfortunately he had to rely on Fang Haobai and Chun Shiye in the end. He...was so useless.

He opened the previous things again and continued to work. He really didn't want to go back to that woman's "home".

Here, Fang Haobai put away the computer and lay on the bed, feeling uneasy all the time. After struggling for a while, he sat up and turned on the computer, and found out the game made by the dead spring leaf. The name is very simple, it is called the world.

This name is quite poetic, and it also reveals a sense of sadness.

Fang Haobai registered an account, but when he was selecting a server, he didn't see the server that Chun Shiye used to be. When he saw the frequently used server written on the top of the selection box, he immediately understood that there was a hidden server.

He clicked on the blank space on the side, and sure enough, another selection box popped up.

I'm sorry, Haoli, although I know it's not the time to play games, but...he couldn't help wow!

 Na na~ Can I ask for tickets and rewards?Um?

(End of this chapter)

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