Chapter 170 Breakthrough

After clicking on this server, Fang Haobai understood why Chun Shiye wanted to hide this server. If you take a look in the world, they are all famous names in the hacker world. If ordinary people join in, you don’t have to play. ...

He silently became familiar with the whole game. This game is very simple, just the routines of breaking through levels and fighting the boss. What is different from ordinary online games is that the characters in this game have hidden abilities, but they have to create them by themselves.

Fang Haobai thought that Chun Shiye should be playing games now, and he would probably know that he was coming after a while, and would come to find him.

Sure enough, after a while, Chun Shiye opened the small window and had a private chat with him: "Why are you here?"

"I can't come?"

"The dignified young master of the Fang family can't play popular online games here?"

"The young master of the Fang family is also a human being."

"...Okay, you are amazing, do you want me to play a few games with you?"

"No, let's solo (single out)."

"Okay, how come?"

"Grouping into the team combat mode, we will collect more kills than anyone else."

"Okay, I will form a group to invite you."


So Fang Haobai got acquainted with the operation again during the next time when Chun Shiye was building the group, and he competed with Chun Shiye.

The First World War is over.

"You can do it, kid!"

"Thank you."

"What kind of a hero is he who just grabs the head from behind my ass?"

"We only compare heads. Did you say how to get heads?"


Fang Haobai and Chun Shiye quarreled again, and Fang Haobai went offline. After all, it is not good to play too many games.

Before turning off the computer, Fang Haobai turned on the monitor placed by Ying Xiaorou again, wanting to listen to it, but there was no sound after listening for a long time, so Fang Haobai planned to turn it off, but he was caught off guard There was a loud bang, the sound of the door being slammed shut, the sound of something falling to the ground, and the scream of a woman.

"Ying Xiaorou! You stinky shameless woman! Let me tell you, if you don't get me into the company tomorrow, just wait for me! Beating you today is considered light, and tomorrow I don't have the result I want. Hmph, you can figure out the consequences yourself."

Fang Haobai recognized that it was Ying Jingjing's voice.

"Sister Jingjing, I have been transferred from the manager now. It is very difficult to get you in. Can you wait?"

"Cut, stop pretending, your company has internal recommendation letters, you just don't want to write them, you don't want me to join your company, do you?"

"Sister Jingjing, you are overthinking. I have written many times, but the boss always says that your education is too low and you have no experience, so you won't be allowed in."

"Heh, do you think I'll believe you when you say that? You're just afraid that I'm better than you, and that if I join the company, I'll do better than you, right?"

"Sister Jingjing, I..."

"You, you, you, what are you, I'm going to sleep now, I hope I can get the result I want from you tomorrow, if not, I will tell my uncle, hum!"

Immediately, there was another slam of the door.

Fang Haobai heard the conversation between the two sisters, and the corner of his mouth raised a beautiful arc, Jiadou?Interesting~ It seems that I have found a breakthrough in this matter...

Fang Haobai heard only Ying Xiaorou's sigh over there, so he turned off the monitor.

The relationship between Ying Jingjing and Ying Xiaorou is so bad, if I try to provoke her...

 I'm sorry, Mina-san, I have a mock exam tomorrow! ! !So I have to review all the time, there is only one update this week, sorry! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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