Chapter 173 Eat, Eat, Eat

Fang Haobai showed a slight smile, looked at them, and said: "You can jump to this position, which shows that you have the ability to sit in this position. I only hope that you can work hard in this position. Okay. Come on, let's go to work."

"Manager... There is one more thing, that is, I haven't eaten for a day since the manager..."

Fang Haobai was taken aback, and Luo Ziqing who was beside him immediately frowned, "This guy! How can he not eat?!"

Fang Haobai shook Luo Ziqing's hand, signaling her not to worry.

Then Fang Haobai pulled Luo Ziqing into the manager's office, saw Fang Haoli working hard there, he sighed slightly: "Haoli, let's go have dinner together."

Fang Haoli heard the voice, looked up and found that it was Fang Haobai and Luo Ziqing, and finally put down his work.

"I'm not hungry yet. I still have some things on hand. Go and eat by yourself today. I'll accompany you tomorrow."

Before Fang Haobai could make a sound, Luo Ziqing became unhappy: "You're not hungry! I've heard from your assistant that you haven't eaten all day, and your body isn't made of iron. How could you not be hungry?" Hungry?! I don’t care, you still have to leave with us today!”

Fang Haobai was also on the side, watching him quietly.

The three of them stalemate for quite a while before Fang Haoli sighed helplessly, stood up and said, "Okay, wait a minute, I'll pack up and leave."

But Fang Haobai opened the door of the office directly, and called an assistant to come in: "Help your manager clean up the table, and take the processed materials and documents to the relevant departments. Thank you."

After finishing speaking, she let Luo Ziqing drag Fang Haoli out.

Fang Haoli looked at the male assistant, but still obediently followed the two of them out.

The three of them drove to a restaurant called Qingkong Haoyue near their school. Anyway, it was a restaurant run by their own family, and they didn't need money to eat, so the three of them ordered a table of dishes.

Fang Haobai saw Luo Ziqing eating the prawns on the table, silently picked up several prawns in his bowl, peeled them all quickly, dipped them in soy sauce and put them in Luo Ziqing's bowl.

Luo Ziqing immediately smiled, and wiped out the delicious food in the bowl with a smile.

Fang Haoli watched the intimacy between Luo Ziqing and Fang Haobai.I feel a little pain in my heart, I'm afraid he will never be able to give Mengyao such care.

Although Fang Haobai already knew about his situation, it was still difficult to confront Ying Jia in such a situation.

Besides, he has already promised Mengyao that he will marry her only after he becomes stronger. With his current situation, he is not qualified to match Mengyao at all...

Noticing that Fang Haoli looked a little unhappy, Luo Ziqing hurriedly picked up some shredded potatoes and put them in Fang Haoli's bowl, and said, "Oh! Don't just watch, you should eat quickly, you haven't eaten all day I must be starving by now."

"I know that you are under surveillance in the company now, and you can't talk to Mengyao. Even if you come outside, you can't relax. But you must take care of yourself! Otherwise, Mengyao knows that you treat yourself like this. I’m sure I’ll feel bad about it too.”

Fang Haobai also nodded, although he was a little upset that Luo Ziqing served Fang Haoli's food...

 here!Thank you baby for the reward, Qiqi really wants to have a good year...

  Babies, did God say to make a date?

(End of this chapter)

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