Chapter 178 Another method

Fang Haobai raised his eyebrows, looked at Mu Yuwei, and asked, "What method?"

"They have evidence, but why don't we invalidate this evidence?"

"Oh? It sounds quite interesting, let's hear it." Fang Haoli leaned forward slightly, showing great interest in this plan.

"Haven't you guys checked with your father? Then you haven't confirmed whether this matter is true or not! Have you ever thought about it, if this is a false accusation directed and acted by the Ying family?" What about the Fang family's play!"

"Although our Mu family has a certain amount of hatred for your Fang family, I know that Fang Moshu is not the kind of person who would help gangsters. Because your old man was a military officer before, right? Then Fang Moshu must have been a child since he was a child. How can you launder money for gangsters just by being instilled with the kind of thought of integrity by your old man?"

Fang Haobai was thoughtful, and finally smiled slightly: "You are quite smart~"

Mu Yuwei was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Fang Haobai to take the initiative to praise him.

Fang Haobai picked up the jacket he took off when he came in, and stood up: "Give it back to us from Ziqing, we are now in an alliance relationship, we have to go back and check with our dad on this matter first, first check, later Things can be accurately planned.”

Mu Yuwei nodded to Fang Haobai's words to express his approval, and called Bai Miao, who was already bored outside to fall asleep, to take Fang Haobai and Fang Hao away from Luo Ziqing and Qinghu's room upstairs.

Luo Ziqing and Qinghu were having fun when Fang Haobai and the others came in suddenly. Seeing Luo Ziqing's happy face, Fang Haobai was a little speechless.

The two of them drove here in violation of traffic rules, and this girl is playing here heartlessly? !

"Come here!" Fang Haobai pulled Luo Ziqing into his arms, "Do you know that we are worried about you?"

Finding that Fang Haobai was a little fierce, Luo Ziqing shrank her head in fear: "Qinghu said that you two want to discuss something very important with Mu Yuwei, I..."

Seeing that Luo Ziqing was frightened by him, Fang Haobai sighed helplessly, put his hand on her head, and messed up her hair: "Next time, you must protect yourself, I will be kidnapped every now and then, I don't know I thought you were a professional kidnapped, let's go, we're going home."

Luo Ziqing rubbed her head against Fang Hao's chest, coquettishly: "I got it, it won't happen again, don't get angry and yell."

Fang Hao took Luo Ziqing's hand and walked out: "It seems that I can't let you out of my sight in the future, otherwise I don't know who will be abducted."

Luo Ziqing smiled shyly, and followed Fang Haobai obediently.

In the evening, after Luo Ziqing fell asleep, Fang Haobai knocked on the door of Fang Moshu's study room, holding a laptop in his hand, and had a video call with Fang Haoli. He was the only one in the company at this point, and Chun Dead Leaf's firewall is not afraid of being heard or seen.

"It's so late, why haven't you gone to bed? Are you going to school tomorrow?" Fang Moshu looked at Fang Haobai's serious face, a little strange.

Fang Haobai walked into the study, put the laptop on the table, and pointed the camera at Fang Moshu and himself.

"Dad, I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but the two of us have very important matters. Please answer the question we ask truthfully, please?"

 If there is still time, there will be more, please wait~

(End of this chapter)

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