Chapter 183 Too handsome

Isn't Ying Xiaorou the bad woman who made Mengyao and Haoli unable to be together? !
Luo Ziqing is going to feel bad immediately, what about sister-in-law?Who admits that she is his sister-in-law?She is too stinky and shameless, right?Put gold on your face like this!

"Ying Xiaorou? What a bad name, sister-in-law? I'm sorry, I know my sister-in-law. She is very beautiful. She is not as ugly as you. Brother Haoli doesn't like ugly and old women. , which corner did you emerge from?"

After all, Luo Ziqing has been with Fang Haobai for so long, but she hasn't learned much, and the black belly is the essence of it.

Ying Xiaorou's face froze immediately. Luo Ziqing said so because she wanted to anger her. She knew it very well in her heart, but she couldn't get angry at such a time, otherwise Luo Ziqing would be in Fang Haoli's ears. In a few words, where is her good image going?
When she thought of this, she could only laugh along with her: "Maybe Haoli just hasn't prepared to let you know."

"No, he gave us your engagement invitation, but we didn't go. Seriously, aunt, with your appearance, no one will believe me as brother Haoli's wife, and I really don't know." What are you relying on to pester my elder brother Haoli?"

"My brother Haoli told us already, he is getting bored to death with you pestering him around him! Hurry up and leave! I still want to have dinner with my brother Haoli!"

After Luo Ziqing finished speaking, she turned around and left, only showing Ying Xiaorou, who had been petrified, a handsome back view.

"How dare she..." Ying Xiaorou tilted her face angrily, clenched her hands tightly, and her nails were deeply embedded in her flesh.

Chi Yinyin, who stood far away and had a panoramic view of the whole thing, had a malicious smile on her face.

As soon as Luo Ziqing walked into the dark place, she immediately showed her flirtatious nature, jumped three feet high, with a complacent and hateful smile on her face, recalling herself just now, Luo Ziqing couldn't help being excited: "You're so handsome! "

"What's so handsome, did you see the handsome guy?" Luo Ziqing turned her head to look, only to find that it was Fang Haobai who was looking at her with a dark face.

Eh?Isn't this tone of jealousy?

Luo Ziqing didn't know why, but at this moment, she wanted to tease him, so she deliberately pretended to be a nympho: "Yeah, a man just passed by, he looks so handsome, I'm drooling." !"

"Better handsome than me?"

Although Fang Haobai is not narcissistic enough to think that he is the most handsome in the world, at least in this company, only Haoli can rival him, after all, they look almost exactly the same.

Although they are exactly the same, but the temperament of the two people is really very different...

Luo Ziqing continued to tease him: "Yes, even more handsome than you! You are so handsome." Luo Ziqing said while making a long gesture with her hand, with an exaggerated expression on her face.

Looking at Luo Ziqing's expression, Fang Haobai knew she was lying to him, but seeing Luo Ziqing playing so hard, he cooperated and said, "Ah, so handsome, that's really handsome."

Luo Ziqing was a little surprised: "I'm praising others for being handsome!"

Fang Haobai glanced at her, then pecked Luo Ziqing's lips lightly, and took Luo Ziqing's hand to go to the office for dinner.

"It doesn't matter how handsome you are, it doesn't matter how handsome you are, anyway, you are mine, and no one will want you, a stupid girl, except me."

Luo Ziqing's face was already red at this time, but she still replied weakly: "You are stupid! You are the most stupid in the world!"

 There will be more!don't go!soon!Waiting time is not as good as casting a vote?

(End of this chapter)

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