Chapter 212 This Bad Girl

"What?" Fang Haobai was confused and didn't understand what Luo Ziqing was talking about.

Luo Ziqing patted the non-existent dust on her hands, and the corner of her mouth raised a beautiful and pleasant arc: "Actually, you didn't notice just now, the cotton candy was leaning against the ice cream, but it didn't..."

"Then it fell on the ground?" Fang Haobai's forehead was bulging with blue veins, no wonder when he just ate it, he felt that there were small particles on it, it turned out to be dust from the ground!
Seeing Fang Haobai come to his senses, Luo Ziqing covered her mouth and snickered, "Who told you to record my voice? You should!"

"You bad girl!" Fang Haobai hugged Luo Ziqing angrily, but because his hands were full of things, he couldn't control Luo Ziqing.

Fang Haobai simply threw the thing on the ground, then took Luo Ziqing back with three steps and two steps, and threw it into his arms.

Seeing Luo Ziqing's cheeks were a little red because of the prank, Fang Haobai couldn't help leaning forward and took a light bite. Although it didn't hurt, it still made Luo Ziqing exclaim.

"What are you doing! Do you think you are a dog?!" Luo Ziqing put her hand on Fang Haobai's chest to prevent him from getting closer.

Fang Haobai grabbed her hand impatiently, and cut her behind her, making her unable to move at all.

Luo Ziqing stared at him: "Fang Haobai! Let me go!"

Fang Haobai turned a deaf ear, just staring at her like this, eyes full of her alluring red lips.

Luo Ziqing sighed, and leaned her head against his arms: "I know you want to kiss, but, you are no longer a child, you can't be so childish, you are on the street now, boy, let's go back, You can play however you want, okay? Kid Fang Haobai?"

Luo Ziqing looked innocent, as if she was really coaxing a kindergarten child.

Fang Haobai originally wanted to nibble on it regardless, but on second thought, he didn't want others to see Luo Ziqing's cute face being kissed, so he finally dragged her awkwardly towards the car.

But Luo Ziqing saw the pile of snacks and gadgets thrown on the ground at a glance, and ran over distressedly, poked the small octopus balls on the ground, and said unhappy: "Look at you, it's all wasted!"

Fang Haobai waited for her: "If you hadn't run away, I wouldn't have thrown these things away!"

Luo Ziqing stared back at him: "That can't be wasted!"

"It's all gone, what can you do?"

Luo Ziqing thought for a while, directed Fang Haobai to pick up all the things, and led him into a small alley.

"Where are you going? It's so late. This kind of small alley is the most unsafe." Fang Haobai frowned, trying to pull Luo Ziqing back, but his hands were full of things, so he could only follow Luo Ziqing forward go.

Luo Ziqing waved her hand and said, "It's okay, I've been here many times, in fact, I discovered this place when I was very young, but I never had the chance to bring you here."

Fang Haobai was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly became a little excited.

That is to say, only Luo Ziqing knows this place, and now she is the second person who knows this secret place?

In other words, he is sharing a secret with Luo Ziqing now?
Fang Haobai suddenly smirked, Luo Ziqing shuddered in shock, and turned to look at Fang Haobai as if he had seen a ghost.

"You won't be hitting a ghost, will you?"

" I have a horrible smile?"

"It's not scary when you laugh, it's scary when you're stupid."

 Exam preparation, too late to speak
(End of this chapter)

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