childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

Chapter 214 You Are My Overbearing Capital

Chapter 214 You Are My Overbearing Capital
He snatched the ball from Luo Ziqing's arms, then hid it behind him and said, "I want to throw it away."

Luo Ziqing stepped forward to snatch it: "No! This is a good friend I finally got to know, you can't lose it!"

Fang Haobai looked embarrassed: "But I'm jealous. I'm very unhappy that my boyfriend's position is taken over by a stinky mouse."

Luo Ziqing stared at him blankly for a while, then burst out laughing, "What, are you jealous?"

Fang Haobai blushed, and turned his head uncomfortably: "You treat this stinky mouse better than me, and you even let me eat the cotton candy that fell on the ground."

Luo Ziqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Hey, my brother Haobai, this is all your money, and you are not happy if I have to pay, so wouldn't it be bad for me to waste it?"

Then Luo Ziqing stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, pretending to be comforting, but in fact she was making up the knife: "Let me tell you, I picked up that cotton candy within five seconds, and it can still be eaten, so ah~ you Don’t be afraid of having a stomachache at all~”

"Also, Qiuqiu is not a stinky mouse, it's a hamster, a lively and cute little hamster!"

Fang Haobai's face froze, he put the ball into the pile of food on the ground, dragged Luo Ziqing to the broken wall, propped his hands around Luo Ziqing's ears, the magnified handsome face and the wonderful feeling of being wall-thumped Luo Ziqing blushed.

Fortunately, in the dim light, Fang Haobai couldn't see clearly, so he was able to pretend to be calm.

"What are you doing?"

"Continue what you didn't finish before."

Just throwing down a word, Fang Haobai couldn't wait to kiss her.

Moist breath sprayed on Luo Ziqing's cheeks, itching, and there was a soft touch on her lips, but Luo Ziqing unconsciously opened her eyes wide.

"I'm going! You bite me!" Luo Ziqing pushed Fang Haobai away, her face full of disbelief, "You actually bit me!"

Tasting a bit of blood, Luo Ziqing made a bitter face: "How can I meet people tomorrow like this!"

By tomorrow, the wound will scab over and it will be obvious.

Fang Haobai smiled triumphantly: "I don't care, anyway, you shouldn't like a stinky mouse more than me."

As if the kiss just now wasn't enough, Fang Haobai leaned forward again and kissed her cheek, forehead, eyes, and the tip of her nose.

"I only love you in my life, so you have to love me forever."

Luo Ziqing had already been dazed by his kisses. Hearing this, she kicked him decisively and cursed, "Shameless! Overbearing!"

Fang Haobai didn't care the slightest bit about Luo Ziqing kicking him, instead he smiled and sealed Luo Ziqing's mouth: "You gave me the capital to be domineering, and I am only domineering to you."

Luo Ziqing unconsciously leaned into his arms, and narrowed her eyes slightly: "Okay, okay, we have to go home quickly, otherwise godfather and godmother should be worried." Anyway, Qiuqiu was also introduced to Fang Haobai, The food was also successfully brought over to Qiuqiu, so nothing happened.

"it is good."

Fang Haobai didn't wait for Luo Ziqing to walk away by herself, he directly hugged Luo Ziqing by the waist, causing Luo Ziqing to exclaim: "What are you doing?!"

Fang Haobai raised the corner of his mouth: "I just want to hug you."

Luo Ziqing was stunned for a moment, staring fixedly at Fang Haobai's side face, he looked really handsome, although he and Fang Haoli looked exactly the same, but there was still a difference.

What exactly is the difference, but can't tell.

"Haobai, tell me, will we still be together in many years, like we are now?"

"You have me in your heart, and I love you too?"

 The high school entrance examination next Saturday and Sunday will be suspended for one week. After the high school entrance examination, there will be a big update!

(End of this chapter)

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