childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

Chapter 216 It doesn't matter

Chapter 216 It doesn't matter

Perhaps because she was used to being hurt by Fang Haoli's appearance, Ying Xiaorou remained unmoved, and still stood stubbornly beside Fang Haoli, leaning down slightly, revealing the turbulent waves on her chest.

"I know there is no way to impress you, but I like you, and you are engaged to me now. In this regard, Li Mengyao, a little girl, is not as good as me."

Fang Hao parted his face, and kept typing on the computer, occasionally looking down at the document in his hand: "I appreciate your self-confidence, but blind self-confidence is not a good thing. In this regard, you To change."

Ying Xiaorou smiled: "Really, then I will let you know soon whether I am blindly confident or not."

She picked up the handbag, turned her head, and left.

"I'm not here to annoy you and disturb your work. Pay attention to your body, I'll go back first."

The moment she picked up her handbag, a silver light flashed in front of Fang Haoli's eyes. It was a silver USB flash drive, which was hung on the zipper of her handbag. It was brought over by Ying Xiaorou before. The USB flash drive containing the company's money laundering evidence that threatened him was exactly the same.

Ying Xiaorou's initials were also printed on it, so Fang Haoli would not admit it wrong.

His eyes darkened, and Fang Haoli called Ying Xiaorou back again: "Wait a minute."

Ying Xiaorou still thought that Fang Haoli had changed his mind, she was obviously happy for a while, but she still pretended to be indifferent and turned back, slowly, standing beside Fang Haoli with a proud face.

Fang Haoli looked her up and down: "You haven't come home today, have you? There are oil stains on the skirt, and women wearing oil-stained clothes will give people a very sloppy impression."

While talking, his hand had already sneakily reached the zipper on Ying Xiaorou's handbag, and he used a knife hidden in the palm of his hand to gently cut off the thread on the USB flash drive, and the USB flash drive slid directly into it. Fang Haoli's sleeve.

However, his expression remained calm, and he still looked at Ying Xiaorou calmly: "Also, I don't eat these late-night snacks, you take them out by yourself, I don't care whether you eat them yourself or throw them away, but I don't want it in the company."

Ying Xiaorou was stunned for a moment, but in the end she just let go of a bitter smile and left with the supper.

After the tapping of Ying Xiaorou's high heels disappeared at the end of the corridor, Fang Haoli shook out the USB flash drive from his sleeve. He was very excited when he thought that this USB flash drive could end his relationship with Ying Xiaorou.

Without thinking about it, he called Fang Haobai directly, and at the same time inserted the USB flash drive into his office computer, and turned on the USB flash drive.

Here, Fang Haobai had just arrived home when he received another call from Fang Haoli. He hurried upstairs and turned on the computer.

Because Fang Haoli's office computer had been installed before, Fang Haobai can now directly synchronize Fang Haoli's computer through his own computer.

Fang Haoli typed a line on the computer: "Ying Xiaorou came to visit my class tonight, and I found that she had tied this USB flash drive to her handbag, so I picked it up and untied it. You should quickly back up all the things in the past.”

Fang Haobai's mouth curled into a smile: "Okay, after so long, things can finally make some progress."

He immediately replied: "I'll tell you after I finish the backup. I'll put a virus on her USB flash drive. Don't let her find out that you took the USB flash drive and put it on her desk before she comes to the company tomorrow morning."

 coming!There will be more!

(End of this chapter)

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