Chapter 218 Interesting
When the person in the dark came under the light, Fang Haoli managed to see the face of that person clearly, it was actually Chi Yinyin.

It's so late, why is she here?

Fang Haoli put his figure under the darkness, no one would see him, and he just watched Chi Yinyin's every move.

Chi Yinyin obviously didn't expect that there would be anyone in the company at this point, nor did she think that what she was doing now would be seen, so she started her actions without any scruples.

She took out a somewhat expensive-looking necklace she put in her pocket, stuffed it in a corner of Ying Xiaorou's desk, and found out a pair of earrings, hanging them in an inconspicuous place.

What is she doing?
After Chi Yinyin finished these things, she kicked the table fiercely again: "Humph! Calling you domineering makes people look uncomfortable, and calling you Miss Rou, is it really making others behave? Huh !shameless."

"See how you're going to make a fool of yourself tomorrow!" After doing these things, Chi Yinyin clapped her hands and left.

After the sound of closing the door passed through, Fang Haoli came out from the dark place, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth. The usually gentle Young Master Fang was like an angel, but now he looked like a demon who came out of hell. !
"These two are interesting~"

Fang Haoli checked around again before leaving Ying Xiaorou's office.

The location of this office is rather delicate, and the camera cannot capture this blind spot, so there is no need to worry that someone will check the camera, but their appearance will definitely be captured by other cameras. This is the office of the business department after all. It is obvious that he is a manager here. Unreasonable.

To be on the safe side, Fang Haoli still sent a message, asking Fang Haobai to hack into the company's security system and delete all the videos that showed his figure without anyone noticing, but after hesitating, he still called Fang Haobai Fang Haobai left evidence of Chi Yinyin.

"When did Chi Yinyin come to the company?" Fang Haobai had never been in charge of the company's affairs, so he didn't know Chi Yinyin's situation very well.

Fang Haoli replied: "I came here a long time ago, and I didn't even have an interview at that time, but one of the people who was admitted suddenly rejected us, and then I was admitted with an exception."

Fang Haobai smiled: "I guess it's because of you that she came to Fang's."

Fang Haoli helped his forehead helplessly: "But I don't like her. In my heart, only Mengyao has a place."

"Of course I know this, but your rotten peach blossoms have attracted too much, right?"

"Hmph, stop teasing me, go to bed quickly, it's getting late, you're still young, you're still growing~"

Fang Haobai snorted coldly: "Hmph, I'm still young? Just kidding, we are twins. I grow up, so don't you grow up?"

"Okay, okay, I still have to deal with the documents you left behind, so I won't talk to you."

"Then go ahead hahaha~" Fang Haobai hid behind the screen and gloated, then exited the hacking software he put on Fang Haoli's computer.

Then he turned on the computer and played games with Wen Ruo for a while before he felt a little sleepy.

The game made by Wen Ruo is not a difficult game, but because Fang Haobai's server is quite special, and all of them are master hackers, it seems that this game is unreasonably difficult.

However, even so, Fang Haobai and Wen Ruo are almost invincible when they partner together, and few people can beat their two partners.

 Anyone else

(End of this chapter)

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