Chapter 222 Great

"You, you, you, what are you doing! There are still people at home! How can you, how can you..."

Fang Haobai looked at Luo Ziqing's shy little face, and couldn't help but want to tease her: "What's wrong with me kissing my girlfriend, isn't girlfriend just for kissing and hugging?"

Luo Ziqing didn't know what to say for a moment: "Where did you learn this messy stuff?"

Fang Haobai kissed her on the other side of the cheek again: "This is not a mess, this is what I want to do to you."

this this this? !

"Did you find a way to flirt with a girl on the Internet?" Although Luo Ziqing was caught, even if she was blushing, she had to firmly express that she was not caught, but saw through Fang Haobai's trick at a glance.

How could Fang Haobai be so easy to deceive, just seeing Luo Ziqing's red ears, he already knew that Luo Ziqing was being teased by him, so he became even more serious.

He leaned forward directly, lifted Luo Ziqing's chin with his index finger, let her look at him, and then kissed her lips.

At first, she tried like a woodpecker, and when Luo Ziqing didn't resist so much, she hooked her white teeth, and stuck her red tongue like a loach into Luo Ziqing's mouth, inviting her to dance together.

Luo Ziqing groaned unconsciously, directly hitting the heart of Fang Haobai, a hot-blooded young man.

He is a normal man!
And the girl in my arms is not someone else, but my favorite girl!
Fang Haobai almost lost his mind, but he still forced himself to push Luo Ziqing away, looking at the girl in front of him who was blushing like an apple, Fang Haobai let out a heavy sigh.

"Zi Qing, I will wait for you to marry me, I will treat you very well, and spoil you to the heavens."

Luo Ziqing had already lost the strength to speak, and limp in Fang Haobai's arms, blushing and nodding.

Fang Haobai tidied Luo Ziqing's clothes, smiled at Luo Ziqing, arranged for the servant to watch Luo Ziqing eat well, and then went out.

Because it was the weekend, Luo Ziqing always ate a lot of snacks, and when it was time to eat the normal three meals a day, she already lost her appetite.

Fang Haobai was fine when she was at home, and someone was watching her, but as long as there was no one watching over her at home, she would have no eating habits at all.

So before going out, Fang Haobai would habitually tell the servants at home to watch Luo Ziqing eat carefully.

Looking at the back of Fang Haobai leaving, the gardener at home, Lao Mo, was really moved.

He was one of the servants who had been in Fang's house for a long time. At that time, he had also seen Fang Haobai's devilish qualities. Seeing him like this now is really unbelievable.

After thinking about it, Lao Mo picked some roses in the garden and entered the door.

"Miss Ziqing, the roses are blooming pretty well today. I picked some for you. Can you see if I get you a vase and put it in your room?"

When Luo Ziqing saw those roses, she liked them very much, but also felt a little distressed.

"Mo Shu, don't call me that. I've lived here for so long. You're an elder anyway. Just call me Ziqing. You don't need to be so restrained at home."

Looking at Luo Ziqing's warm smile, Lao Mo could understand how his family's demons had fallen.

"How can this be, Miss is Miss, we are just servants at home, how dare we call Miss Ziqing's elders!"

Luo Ziqing took the rose in Lao Mo's hand.


(End of this chapter)

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