Chapter 224 I'm Sorry
Fang Moshu saw that there was no way to persuade Fang Haobai, so he also fell silent.

Fang Haoli put down the small ceramic teacup in his hand, stood up, and planned to leave: "He should have paid the price for what he did, why should he take care of the Fang family that we have managed so hard to take care of now?" To be buried with him?"

Fang Moshu took a sip of the tea in the small teacup, and the bitterness of the tea spread on the tip of his tongue: "You don't know the secret, so you can't define it so early, your second uncle is also for you..."

Fang Haobai snorted coldly, his hands clenched into fists: "He has secrets? What secrets? Why didn't he tell if there were secrets? If he did, we would understand! If he didn't say it, he was guilty. Aren't you afraid to say it?"

Fang Moshu sighed: "Your second uncle can do anything for you, but your second uncle is unwilling to explain what he has done, and he is not allowed to tell me, you..."

Fang Haobai closed the computer, stood up, and said angrily, "What does it mean that he has something to hide and doesn't say anything? He wants us to forgive him. He said it himself, let you stay in the house Here to reveal to us that he has a secret, and not let you tell us what you want!"

"Zi Qing is still at home, I have nothing to do, so I'll go back first." Fang Haobai put the computer into the computer bag, opened the door and left.

Fang Haoli listened to Fang Haobai slamming the door heavily, with no emotion on his face: "Father, I think what Haobai said is right, if he feels uncomfortable, he can come here and say, the two of us don't know what's going on. The truth, of course, will not forgive him."

"I still have some things to do over there, so I won't be here anymore. You can also be busy with your work. I'll go first."

Fang Haoli stood up, and also stood up and walked directly outside.

As soon as he put his hand on the doorknob, he was stopped by Fang Moshu: "Haoli, Dad... I'm sorry."

"Now that things have happened, do you think there is any use in saying sorry?" Fang Haoli pushed the handle, opened the door and went out.

The office was silent again, and a person came out from the dark, his eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Fang Moshu and Fang Haobai, Fang Haoli, and he looked very young.

"Old Qing...the children are still young, when they know the truth of the matter, they will understand you." Fang Moshu fell on the sofa, feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart: "I can't do anything now, just To be able to watch the kids figure it out on their own.”

"They obviously did nothing wrong, but they have to pay for the mistakes made by our generation. I still feel uncomfortable. I feel sorry for them..."

"Brother, don't say it like this. It was me who was wrong. If I hadn't been so impulsive then, I wouldn't be like this now." Fang Qing rubbed the center of her brows, "It's all my fault that made Haoli become what he is now. Like this."

Fang Moshu waved his hand: "It's not all your fault. As an elder brother, I didn't stop you in time. I also have my responsibility. I can't blame you for everything."

Fang Qing sighed: "The plan at that time was complete, and there would be no problems at all. Who knew that Ying Xiaorou would come out halfway and threaten Haoli, disrupting all my plans."

Fang Moshu paused his hands: "It's okay, this time it's a test for the two brothers, and let them know how to deal with such a difficult situation is the surest way. Once I take over the company, I won’t be so worried.”

"Hey! I hope the two of them can solve this problem perfectly."

(End of this chapter)

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