Chapter 240 New plan

"Ying Xiaorou originally had Chi Yinyin to help keep an eye on her, and the two of them benefited from Chi Yinyin's backing of the Ying family, but now the two of them have broken up, Ying Xiaoru lacks helpers, and there is no way to ask With more private detectives watching us, she's going to lose a lot of the advantage."

"Chi Yinyin has been interested in you since a long time ago, this time she broke up with Ying Xiaorou, it must be because of you, she is too jealous, and always takes herself too seriously, without Ying Xiaorou She can't be arrogant if she is soft on the backstage."

"Such a self-destructive thing can only be done by a stupid woman like her."

Fang Haobai took the information, which was the case information that the assistant asked the police for. After all, it was a malicious injury incident by a big company, and the company had the right to know everything.

"This Ying Xiaorou is quite smart. She calculated the time to enter the monitoring room, and did not give Chi Yinyin a chance to argue, nor did she have time to delete the video."

"She even took advantage of the time when she and Xiaohua went downstairs to hide the backup first, and at the same time let Xiaohua see the video to remove her suspicions. This way, she not only has a foolproof backup video, but also gains Xiaohua's trust. .”

"She is really a smart woman, but it would be silly to fight us."

Fang Haoli took the information from Fang Haobai's hand, read it carefully, and shook his head: "Chi Yinyin is actually not stupid, she hasn't admitted that she was the one who framed Ying Xiaorou."

"That is to say, if the case is filed now, the crime of intentional injury can only be barely convicted, and Ying Xiaorou's injury is not too great, so..."

"One more push and you'll be acquitted."

Fang Haobai frowned, with an unhappy expression on his face: "If you don't use Chi Yinyin to hurt Ying Xiaorou again, this opportunity may be wasted."

Fang Haoli thought for a while, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He looked handsome, but in fact, he had a cold feeling that penetrated into the hearts of others.

Of course, such a good opportunity should not be wasted.

"This time we tried our best to prevent Chi Yinyin from being sentenced, let her come out safely, and then found an opportunity to stimulate her in a special way, so that she could give Ying Xiaorou some sufficient sentences, and it could also hit Ying Xiaorou to a large extent. We can solve the two of you at once, and then you and Ziqing can go to college abroad."

"As long as you choose to go to the United States and share the same city as Wen Qi, Wen Qi will definitely go to you, so that you can continue to look for opportunities to get rid of Wen Qi."

Fang Haoli looked at Fang Haobai, and returned to his warm heart like before, smiling like a big brother next door: "What do you think of such a plan?"

Fang Haobai raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

As long as Zi Qing is mentioned, he can't help showing such a smile, and his eyes are full of doting, no matter what he can't stop it.

"It could not be better!"

This kind of Fang Haoli is the real Fang Haoli!
Before, he had been pretending that he had lost some IQ because of a car accident for so many years. Others thought that he was really inferior to Fang Haobai, but in fact he was not. He only pretended to be like this because of his filial piety and high EQ.

To some extent, he is even smarter than Fang Haobai.

A car accident can only result in death or disability, and if one accidentally falls over his head, that is to say, different degrees of amnesia.

Who lost their IQ in a car accident?
 Sorry for being late
(End of this chapter)

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