Chapter 246
"If you like it, I'll make it for you every day from now on, but you don't look like a girl like this..."

"Then are you despising me?" Luo Ziqing held the pudding in her hand and glared at Fang Haobai unhappily, "How dare you despise me? Huh?"

The corner of Fang Haobai's mouth couldn't help but twitched into a smile: "The little one dares to despise you, the little one is afraid that if the young lady eats like this, she will gain weight again in a short time, and then I will blame the little one again."

"Then I'm an unreasonable girl in your heart?" Luo Ziqing ate a large piece of pudding in one gulp, but she didn't feel angry at all.

"Of course not! Miss Ziqing, the fatter the better, it feels so comfortable to the touch." Fang Haobai smiled playfully, and began to use his shameless expertise again.

Luo Ziqing completely ignored Fang Haobai, and ate the pudding on her own. After eating, she stared at the person in front of Fang Haobai's table again, feeling very greedy.

"Want to eat?" Fang Haobai couldn't help but feel very cute when he saw Luo Ziqing's appearance.

When Luo Ziqing heard that Fang Haobai finally asked if she wanted to eat, she couldn't stop nodding her head, her saliva almost drooling.

It's only because Aunt Zhai's cooking skills are so good, especially because Luo Ziqing likes to eat sweets, so she specially learned some desserts that are relatively easy to make, and made them for Luo Ziqing's desserts after meals.

"Kiss me if you want to eat!" Fang Haobai put on a smirk, and moved his mouth close to let Luo Ziqing kiss his mouth.

Luo Ziqing wouldn't agree so easily, she moved over quickly, as if she wanted to kiss Fang Haobai, but in fact, she had already reached out secretly with her hand, and took the pudding away calmly, and immediately retreated after she got it , There was no time for Fang Haobai to react.

"This pudding is confiscated by me now, you can't take it back! This lady is an order!" Luo Ziqing poked a piece with a fork and sent it into her mouth, Fang Haobai wanted to love her when she looked at her triumphantly.

Fang Haobai sighed, got up and went to Aunt Zhai, asking her to prepare a few more puddings for Luo Ziqing to eat tomorrow.

When Fang Haobai came back, Luo Ziqing had perfectly finished the two puddings in front of her, and was staring at the few chestnuts left on the table in a daze.

Fang Haobai leaned over and pinched her face: "What are you thinking?"

Luo Ziqing pointed to those chestnuts and said, "You said I ate them before they grew up, and when I die too, will their souls seek revenge from me?"

Fang Haobai couldn't help laughing, and didn't know what to say. After holding back for a long time, he finally said: "I've eaten everything, so what can I do with it?"

Luo Ziqing thought for a while, yes, the matter of death can only be discussed after death, it is useless to think so much now!
So she reached out her hand very naturally, and cleaned them up three or five times.

Fang Haobai looked at the messy tabletop and felt a little headache. This way of eating, if it wasn't for the great fortune of the Fang family, or Luo Ziqing would have eaten him up after he got married!
He had prepared a lot, but there was still not enough for Luo Ziqing to eat.

Luo Ziqing didn't make a fuss anymore, she rubbed her belly and said she couldn't gain weight, and then walked upstairs with her waist supported.

Fang Haobai cleaned up the table by himself, wiped off all the oil stains on the table, and then went upstairs to his room.

As soon as Fang Haobai entered his room, he found a chubby thing lying on his bed, playing with something with its buttocks up.

Fang Haobai tiptoed over.

(End of this chapter)

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