childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

Chapter 249 I have something to tell you

Chapter 249 I have something to tell you

This matter was difficult to implement, but with Wen Ruo's help, it was quickly settled, and in order to prevent similar things from happening again, Fang Haobai negotiated with Fang Moshu.Fang Moshu finally agreed not to help Fang Qing do such things for the time being.

The whole thing is basically resolved.

When things got to this point, Ying Xiaorou had no room to resist at all, so now Fang Haoli no longer had to worry about Ying Xiaorou's threats.

Fang Haoli decided to quarrel with Ying Xiaorou this Saturday, and then go back on Sunday to celebrate his birthday with Fang Haobai and the others.

When Luo Ziqing told Li Mengyao about this, Li Mengyao cried, but she looked very happy, very happy.

"Finally... Finally, I can be with him..."

She said so.

Perhaps for some people, such love is hard-won, so it is even more rare and precious.

Finally, in the last few days until Saturday, Fang Haoli called Fang Haobai and asked him to watch him from the side. The reason was that it was easier for him to say such things in this state.

The assistant went to call Ying Xiaorou. This is the second time that Ying Xiaorou has entered Fang Haobai and Fang Haoli's office after so long, and it will probably be the last time.

"Haoli...what's the matter? You called..." Ying Xiaorou who rushed into the office excitedly, the moment she saw Fang Haobai, all her words were stuck in her throat.

"Today I'm here to inform you of something."

Looking at Fang Haobai's serious face, Fang Haoli actually raised the corners of his mouth, revealing his signature smile.

Fang Haoli had never faced her with such a gentle smile.

Ying Xiaorou felt that her heart was about to burst, could it be...Could it be that Fang Haoli had already found out that he was in love with Ying Xiaorou, so he specially called her over to confess his love to her.

As the second young master of the Fang family, Fang Haobai came here to witness for the two of them?
Thinking of such a possibility, Ying Xiaorou couldn't help but feel happy.

"I hope you can face it calmly after hearing this, and don't react too aggressively, otherwise I can't guarantee what will happen."

If Fang Haoli told Ying Xiaorou about this matter, probably with Ying Xiaorou's personality, he would hand over the evidence in his hand to some messy reporter without thinking too much, right?
But when all the reporters gathered together, waiting to see the Fang family's jokes, and suddenly found that the USB flash drive couldn't be opened, and the contents inside couldn't be read at all, what was Ying Xiaorou going to do?

The Fang family knew that something like this would happen a long time ago, so they naturally started to prepare countermeasures early, but Ying Xiaorou never thought that there would be such consequences.

So when this happened, Ying Xiaorou would definitely be caught off guard.

"I've decided to break up with you. I don't care what you hold. I'm up to you. But, Fang Haobai will never sit here again and be threatened by you. You know ?"

Fang Haoli still had the same smile on his face, but the words he uttered pierced Ying Xiaorou's heart one by one.

"You... what did you say?"

Seeing Ying Xiaorou's frightened face, Fang Haoli smiled again, repeating what he said just now.

"What did you say!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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