Chapter 257

Li Meng felt sorry for Li Mengyao.

She was young at that time, and it was nothing to be deceived by Wen Qi, but as an older brother, he not only failed to prevent his sister from being deceived in time, but even fell into a slump after receiving the blow.

It was because he didn't take good care of his younger sister, but in the end he allowed his younger sister to support a whole family with such a small body.

It's all his fault.

"Brother, I'm almost ready here, I'm leaving now!"

Li Mengyao got up early in the first place, and she couldn't wait to see Shang Haoli, so she got ready very quickly.

"Be careful on the road, I have to go to the company, and I will go to help later, you know?"

"Got it! You're not a child anymore!"

Li Mengyao quickly put on her high heels, and said, "Old Wei! Let's go! Let's go to Fang's house! Hurry up!"

Old Wei is the driver of Li's family. He was originally a middle-aged man, and he has lost a lot of enthusiasm for the big and small things in this world. But after being urged by Li Mengyao, he feels that he is more than [-] years younger!
"Miss, be careful, the high heels are too high, be careful not to sprain your feet, I'm going to start the car now, you can get in the car as soon as you come out later!"

Old Wei ran out directly and drove the car to the gate of Li's house.

Li Mengyao threw her small satchel on her shoulder and ran out: "Brother, come here earlier, sister, I'll go over and step on the spot for you first!"

Li Meng rubbed his already messy short hair, a little helpless: "You are already a big girl, you can't be so disregarding your image, you know that!? You are still wearing high heels and skirts, walk well for me!"

When Li Mengyao heard this, she slowed down helplessly, and turned her head to make a face at Li Meng: "Got it! Brother Long-winded!"

Although Li Meng was a little unhappy, he let Li Mengyao go.

After a busy journey, Li Mengyao arrived at Fang's house. Looking at the long-lost door, she let out a deep sigh.

Haoli, Haoli, I have survived for so long because of you, please don't let me down again...

"Meng Yao!"

Before he had time to reach out to push the door, Fang Haoli opened it and came out.

"Hao Li..."

Although I have imagined it many times, after Fang Haoli got rid of Ying Xiaorou's control, what would happen when he meets him again.

But no matter what, the mood must be the same.

Ecstasy, only unstoppable ecstasy.

Needless to say, one person opened his arms, and the other threw himself into the arms of the opposite person.

Smelling Fang Haoli's familiar scent, she felt at ease.

Is it such a comfortable feeling to be in the arms of someone you like?

"I miss you so much, I'm going to die just thinking about it."

"I will never give you a chance to miss me again. I will stay by your side all the time. You can't drive me away, so you don't have to think about me."

"When the time comes, don't dislike me for sticking to you."

Li Mengyao rubbed Fang Haoli's chest and shook her head: "I won't!"

When Li Mengyao backed away and smiled wickedly, Fang Haoli realized that she had rubbed the foundation on her face onto her clothes.

Now, there is a human face on it!
"You girl..."

Li Mengyao thought about it, although she really wanted to be with Fang Haoli for a while, but it's better to get away now.

"Then I'll go up and look for Zi Qing first, hahahahahaha!"

 Ben Qi is guilty!You want to beat, scold and do whatever you want!
  Code words all night tonight, coded one chapter and another chapter, everyone will watch it together tomorrow morning!Don't follow Ben Qi's example and stay up late, be good, ang!

(End of this chapter)

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