Chapter 260 Farce and Deceit

There is something wrong with Ying Xiaorou's USB flash drive, that USB flash drive can't be opened at all, let alone see what's inside.

"Well, there are some problems now, but I'll be fine soon, trust me." Ying Xiaorou panicked, but still pretended to be calm and explained to the reporters.

It's a pity that this USB flash drive has already been tampered with, so of course she has no way to open this USB flash drive, and the reporters below are getting impatient.

"Miss Ying, why can't this USB drive be opened now? You told us at the beginning that there is very important evidence in this USB drive."

Ying Xiaorou's forehead was already covered with a thin layer of sweat: "I said it was in it, and it is. Now it's just a temporary situation, and there is no way to open the USB drive."

"This... this must be the reason for the computer! Get me another computer!"

Fang Haobai just chuckled, and handed over another laptop for Ying Xiaorou to operate by herself.

Ying Xiaorou took the laptop in a bit of embarrassment and inserted the USB drive into it, but there was still no response.


There was a lot of noise below, and the reporters were talking about it, and they had already begun to feel that Ying Xiaorou was doing something futile.

"Why did this happen?!" Ying Xiaorou slapped the laptop angrily, but still stubbornly blamed the computer, saying that the Fang family didn't want her to tell her money laundering, so they deliberately didn't give her a good computer.

The next reporter got really impatient and took out his USB flash drive: "If it's a computer problem, then I plugged this USB flash drive into the computer, and there should be no response, why don't you let me try?"

Ying Xiaorou gave up the computer to the reporter.

With a sound of "ding dong", the USB flash drive is sensed and can be opened, and there is no problem at all for browsing files such as ppt.

"Miss Ying, you don't have any so-called evidence at all, do you? Have you been abandoned by Young Master Fang, and now you are eager to use this method to let Young Master Fang save you?"

"But you didn't expect that Young Master Fang not only didn't stop you, but also allowed you to come here to mess around?"

Just such a question caused discussion among almost all reporters on the scene.

"Miss Ying, is this really the case?"

"Master Fang, do you really think so? Did you expect all this a long time ago?"

Fang Haoli stepped forward in a timely manner: "My friends from the press, as you can see, Ms. Ying slandered our Fang family for money laundering without any evidence. I think such a thing is really shameful."

"Before I was engaged to Miss Ying, I was actually threatened. In fact, I already had a lover. In order to protect my lover, I had no choice but to be threatened by Miss Ying."

"Now that I am finally able to protect the person I love, I decided to tell everyone about it."

"Ying Xiaorou, she is just a liar at all, and a despicable liar, using shameful means to threaten others to achieve such a goal!"

This burst of speeches aroused the excitement of the reporters on the scene.

"Master Fang, you just said that you have someone in mind, is it convenient for you to disclose it?"

"Master Fang, what kind of girl is your ideal person? Or... is she not a girl at all~"

Fang Haoli glanced dissatisfied at the reporter who suggested that the person he likes is a boy, but he smiled mysteriously.

 Don't stay up late, hear you! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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