childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

Chapter 263 Give it to a company

Chapter 263 Give it to a company
In the evening, as usual, it was Fang Moshu who spoke on the podium to give some blessings to the younger generation, and then the dinner officially started.

After finally finishing his speech according to the original routine, Fang Moshu patted the table.

"Tonight, there is actually another very important thing that I want to announce."

"Everyone knows that Fang's Group was founded by me alone, and it has enjoyed more than 20 years of brilliance in my hands. My two sons have turned 18 today, which represents their adulthood."

"They can now stand on their own, and I can rest assured."

"Of course, as they grow up, I am also getting older. In a blink of an eye, I will soon be 50 years old. Maybe people want to pursue some past things when they are old. Until now, my eyes seem to be They're still the same as when they were born."

"And I'll never forget the day I welcomed them both."

"They are my most precious children!"

Fang Moshu looked at the two silly boys in front of him with a loving smile on his face, as if he saw himself back then.

Handsome, youthful, high-spirited.

This world is big, but it will become the stage for the two of them in the future!
Suddenly, he seemed to have made up his mind again.

"Today, I'm announcing that I will officially abdicate after one month! The position of Fang's president will be handed over to my son, Fang Haoli! During this month, I will take him to understand all the affairs of our company, Do a good job handing over."

"This entire Fang family is my birthday present to my son, Fang Haoli!"

"I believe that with his talent, the Fang family will be able to reach a higher level!"

Fang Haoli was stunned. Although he knew that Fang Moshu would hand over the company to him one day, he never thought it would be so soon!

"Mr. Fang, your son is only 18 years old. Are you really relieved to hand over such a big company to such a young child so early?"

A reporter asked a question below.

"He is my son. Even in a few years, this company will be in his hands sooner or later. Of course I trust him!"

Fang Haoli looked at Fang Moshu with some emotion, and hugged him excitedly.

"Dad! Thank you!"

Fang Moshu patted Fang Haoli's head: "Papa is ashamed of you for so many things that have happened recently, and this birthday present should be regarded as your compensation."

"Mengyao is a good girl, but after all, she is the founder of the Li family and the behind-the-scenes president of the Li family. Although our Fang family is twice as big as the Li family, it is still a bit difficult to match her girl."

"You are Fang's future now, and when you propose to other girls later, you won't be so shabby."

"Don't embarrass our Fang family, you know?!"

Fang Moshu patted Fang Haoli on the back, his face full of relief.

Fang Haoli nodded heavily: "I know!"

Fang Moshu returned to the podium again, motioned the reporters below to be quiet first, and then looked at Fang Haobai.

"My youngest son is also 18 this year and is about to take the college entrance examination."

"I always thought he was a very smart boy, he was very creative. Since I gave my elder son a company, I would definitely give my younger son a big gift."

"Young people now like to catch up with these things, the trend of starting a business. Starting a business is difficult, and I did the same way back then. But I believe that my son can definitely be better than me!"

 I said that I didn't update yesterday because my cooking hand was cut by a kitchen knife, can you believe me?

(End of this chapter)

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