Chapter 276 Grasp the Scale
It was Fang Haobai's voice.

Except for Fang Haobai, no one would yell at him like this.

Damn it, they came after you so quickly, and you clearly said not to follow those who came over!

The corner of Luo Ziqing's mouth curled into a wicked smile.

Since I can't tell him not to touch me like this, I can let Fang Haobai take the initiative~ As long as he pushes him a little bit, the problem will be solved~
Luo Ziqing intentionally leaned close to Guo Kai'an's ear: "You will cooperate with me for a while, and act according to my wink, as long as you make him angry."

Although Guo Kai'an didn't know what happened, but since Luo Ziqing told him so, it would be fine if he just acted together.

And in this case, [-]% of them are couples quarreling.

"Luo Ziqing, do you hear me, get your hands off him!"

Fang Haobai couldn't touch Luo Ziqing, so he could only stand by the side angrily, staring at Luo Ziqing like this, wanting Luo Ziqing to be more conscious and let go of her hand quickly.

Luo Ziqing turned a blind eye and only treated Fang Haobai as air, still laughing and playing with Guo Kai'an.

"Little handsome guy, where do you live? I don't have a place to go tonight, why don't I stay at your house first? Please, take me in, you must not bear to see me as beautiful as a flower The girl is homeless, so she can only sleep on the street? Huh?"

As she said that, Luo Ziqing leaned forward and lifted Guo Kai'an's chin, as if molesting a good man.

Guo Kai'an also tried his best to cooperate with Luo Ziqing's mischief here.

"What nonsense are you talking about, you are such a beautiful girl, of course I can't bear to let you sleep under the flyover alone. Well, you go back with me, how about we have a drink together tonight?"

In order to be more realistic, Guo Kai'an even showed the standard smile of a hooligan.

Luo Ziqing leaned forward, her lips were only a hair away from Guo Kai'an's cheek.

"Then thank you handsome guy~"

Deliberately adding Jiao Didi's transliteration to the last word, Fang Haobai couldn't bear it anymore!

"Luo Ziqing, you forced me to do this!"

Fang Haobai gave Guo Kai'an a hard fist as soon as he went up, and Guo Kai'an was hit in the face.

Fang Haobai held Luo Ziqing by the collar and dragged Luo Ziqing away from Guo Kai'an.

Luo Ziqing struggled to run, but Fang Haobai stretched out his hand, pinched Luo Ziqing directly under his arm, so that Luo Ziqing couldn't run away at all.

But Fang Haobai finally touched her, and Luo Ziqing felt very relieved.

"I'm telling you, this is my woman! Don't try to trick her, now, right now, right now! Get out!"

Guo Kai'an covered his face, glanced at Fang Haobai, imitated the people in the TV series, and said a word.

"Go away!"

Guo Kai'an put the tip on the table, but put an extra banknote on it, and a piece of paper underneath, Guo Kai'an gestured to Luo Ziqing with his eyes.

Guo Kai'an stood up, glared at Fang Haobai again, and left.

With Guo Kai'an gone, Luo Ziqing really ushered in a storm.

Fang Haobai held her under his arm like this, scolded her once... twice... three times... four times...

Luo Ziqing's waist was sore after training.

"Do you still dare to run out like this by yourself? Huh?! Answer me!"

Luo Ziqing looked at the fierce Fang Haobai, helpless.

 The Great God said such an interesting thing, don’t you really want to try it (poor)
(End of this chapter)

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