childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

Chapter 283 The little bastard of unknown origin

Chapter 283 The little bastard of unknown origin
When Guo Kaiwen was still very young, he met Luo Ziqing once, following his brother Guo Kaian, but he only had a very vague memory, and now he can recognize Luo Ziqing because Fang Haobai is beside him, and Guo Kaian just told himself Luo Ziqing and Fang Haobai came to the United States together.

Although I thought Luo Ziqing was very cute when I was a child, but when I grow up, I feel that she is really extraordinary.

Guo Kaiwen is Guo Kai'an's younger brother, both of them are of mixed race, but Guo Kai'an inherited his mother's black eyes, while Guo Kaiwen looks more like a foreigner, with beautiful blue eyes.

The whole person looks amazing.

It's a pity that the hostility in the whole body still makes many people stay away even if they want to strike up a conversation.

Seeing that Fang Haobai was about to bring Luo Ziqing into the room, Guo Kaiwen smiled and walked up. In front of Luo Ziqing, he respectfully stretched out his right hand and said in pure Chinese: "Beautiful!" Miss, hello, may I have a meal with you, please?"

Luo Ziqing was arguing with Fang Haobai at first, but when she saw Guo Kaiwen approaching, she was taken aback and looked at him warily: "But I don't know you, don't you think that you would invite a strange girl to have sex with me at random like this?" Is it impolite when you eat together by yourself?"

Guo Kaiwen smiled generously: "What does it matter? People don't know each other in the first place, but how do these unrelated people know each other? Isn't it just like this? Boldly make an invitation, and then do it like this." It’s a chance to get to know each other, isn’t it?”

"If you are willing to accept my invitation, I will tell you my name, so we will get to know each other soon, won't we?"

Luo Ziqing looked at him with some embarrassment, this guy, as a punk, seemed too polite, right?

How could she find a reason to refuse like this!
"Sorry, I already have a boyfriend, so I can't go to dinner with you."

"There is no conflict between the two. A boyfriend is a boyfriend, and a friend is a friend. Now I invite you to have dinner with me just to make friends with you."

In fact, Guo Kaiwen didn't know why he came up to invite Luo Ziqing to have dinner with him so impulsively. If there was any purpose, it might be that his brother warned him not to go up and provoke others after seeing Luo Ziqing in school. Some rebellious mentality.

The more others try to stop it, the more he wants to get it.

"But if I eat with you, my boyfriend will be jealous, so it's still not allowed. Although I can't eat with you, if your purpose is to be my friend, I can still accept it."

Before Guo Kaiwen could speak, Fang Haobai said with a displeased face: "Don't even think about it, you little bastard of unknown origin, I won't allow you to approach my girlfriend."

Looking at the childish Fang Haobai in front of him, Guo Kaiwen was really surprised. How about this Fang Haobai being ruthless?

Why is it different now?

"I'm not some punk with unknown origins, if you want to know my origins, I can tell you now, so that I'm not a punk with unknown backgrounds, just a simple punk. "

(End of this chapter)

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