childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

Chapter 288 The Bastard Wants To Steal My Girlfriend

Chapter 288 The Bastard Wants To Steal My Girlfriend
On Fang Haobai's side, first of all, his father has already invested so much, and he already has a local security company. With so much money, it is more than enough to help a company grow up. Even if the capital chain is broken, there is nothing wrong with it. relation.

Moreover, it is a company started by college students, even if it collapses now and starts all over again, with Fang Haobai's strength, it is no problem.

Fang Haobai is so smart, who knows what he is going to do?
But Wen Qi's brain is not that stupid, and after going through so many things, she will not do the impulsive things before, so Wen Qi's reply to Ying Jingjing about this matter is yes.

"Think long-term."

If she was beaten like this, and Wen Qi would still miss Fang Haobai, then she would be the person with the least self-esteem in the world.

So, this time, Wen Qi will definitely not show mercy!

Of course Fang Haobai didn't know what the two of them were planning, and now he could only wait and see what happened.

there is always a solution to a problem.

He didn't believe what kind of sky these two people could dig out.

"You must not be discovered by Wen Qi in that store. It seems that these two people will often meet in a coffee shop in the future. It is not only very close to Wen Qi's school, but also very close to the apartment. The coffee shop has a good environment and is very suitable.”

"If you can overhear what they say, it's best to record it, so I can deal with it well."

Wen Ruo looked at Fang Haobai's firm eyes, and Wen Ruo pushed his glasses confidently.

Then I realized that I was actually wearing contact lenses...

Embarrassed, he lowered his hand, made a fist and put it next to his mouth, then coughed lightly: "Hey, I can handle it, just leave it to me."

Solving Wen Qi is the key to disintegrating the entire orthodox writer, so this matter must be treated seriously and cautiously.

In a few days, the university will start.

Because many people saw Luo Ziqing on the day of registration, so many people who hadn't seen it on the first day of school heard the news and squatted at the school gate waiting for Luo Ziqing to come to school.

However, after seeing this handsome but not very tall boy next to Luo Ziqing, many boys left in frustration.

People have boyfriends, so there is no chance.

Fang Haobai is really not short. Standing with these foreign people, his height is also very high, but compared to shoulder width and so on, Fang Haobai is indeed not as strong as others.

This also made Fang Haobai look easy to bully.

But that was only when he was with Luo Ziqing, when Fang Haobai was alone, his eyes were probably the ones that can kill people in legends, right?

Although the course is very boring, and Luo Ziqing has basically completed all the self-study during the holiday preview, so Luo Ziqing can only lift her spirits during practice.

In school, Luo Ziqing and the others naturally often meet Guo Kai'an and Guo Kaiwen, the two of them are always together, and this Guo Kaiwen looks... seems like a brother-in-law?
However, when Fang Haobai saw Guo Kai'an for the first time in the school, Fang Haobai was taken aback and almost rushed to beat someone again. Fortunately, Luo Ziqing was prepared in advance and stopped Fang Haobai in time. Otherwise, Guo Kai'an would probably suffer again now. Last punch.

"I just said that he is not a good guy! You see, he has followed him to the school! This man must like you!"

Fang Hao pointed angrily at Guo Kai'an as a confirmation.

 Babies, I will announce a very sad news tomorrow, I hope you can treat it rationally!
(End of this chapter)

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