Chapter 290 Break Up!
It wasn't until he got to the other side that Fang Haobai realized that there was another person opposite Wen Qi.

He had seen that person before, he was a boy who took math class with them, he was a handsome American boy, he especially admired Chinese culture, and he also liked Chinese girls very much.

The two stood at the school gate, not knowing what to say.

However, that handsome boy actually had that disgusting shy expression on his face? !

You are a boy!

Under what circumstances could he make such a disgusting expression?

Wen Qi's face was serious, but at the end, there was a weird smile on the corner of her mouth.

"What do you think the two of them are talking about?" Luo Ziqing asked cautiously.

Fang Haobai glanced at Luo Ziqing: "Wen Qi got angry when we attacked the Wen family like that before, but now that we know that we have come to the United States, we will definitely retaliate."

"She is not a student of this school, and it is not convenient to do many things. If she can find someone inside the school to help her, then things will be much simpler."

Fang Haobai watched Wen Qi's figure disappear into the corner of the wall, and then saw the corner of the skirt that still hadn't drifted away, a smile appeared on his lips.

"Zi Qing, cooperate with me later, we..."

Fang Haobai leaned into Luo Ziqing's ear, muttered to himself for a while, and then pulled Luo Ziqing outside.

When he was approaching the corner, Fang Haobai suddenly raised his voice: "I have already said that Guo Kaiwen and Guo Kai'an are not good people, why did you go out to dinner with them? I don't allow!"

Luo Ziqing also deliberately made an angry look: "Didn't I explain it to you, the three of us have known each other since we were young, and they are my good friends! They are not some messy people!"

Fang Haobai put on a bad face: "They are relying on your attitude towards them, they just want to take the opportunity to get you... Anyway, they are not good people, let me leave them as soon as possible!"

Luo Ziqing stomped her feet specially: "They are my friends! How can you say that about my friends? Fang Haobai! Let me tell you, if you say that about my friends again, we will turn our heads! Break up!"

Fang Haobai also looked like a broken pot: "Split it! Let me tell you Luo Ziqing, don't think that I like you, you can do whatever you want! I am also a person with a bottom line!"

"You can't bear it, let's break up!"

Finally, Luo Ziqing slapped Fang Haobai's face with a loud slap.

It hurts to hear.

Wen Qi, who was hiding in the corner of the wall, smiled, turned around and left, but she didn't see two small heads protruding from the edge of the wall over there, looking at Wen Qi's back with a smile on her face.

"Do you think she believed in the one we played just now?"

"Looking at it like this, there is a high probability that she believes it, but in the future we still have to guard against the boy in the math class. Even if she believes her now, we will continue to act, and we must not reveal the truth."

"We have given Wen Qi wrong information now, and Wen Qi will make wrong judgments and then make wrong plans. If she uses wrong plans to deal with us, then we can easily defeat her."

Since Luo Ziqing and Fang Haobai fell out in front of Wen Qi, it is estimated that Wen Qi will come to find Luo Ziqing soon, and then pull her into the group together.

At that time...

 This sad story is: next Tuesday, Ben Qi’s book will be on the shelves!There will be a fee!

  I saw some babies who said they would pay for it and then abandoned the article, Qiqi, I won’t stop it, and I won’t blame you, but I will always love you if you intend to stay!
(End of this chapter)

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