childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

Chapter 299 Delicious Seafood Porridge

Chapter 299 Delicious Seafood Porridge

"How can this seafood porridge be so delicious! Take a bite, and feel your taste buds cheering!"

"They're dancing!"

"This prawn, how can it be so tough, even if it is in my mouth, it still feels like it is swimming in my mouth."

"This crab stick is simply a heaven-sent delicacy. You can't stop wanting it just by looking at it!"

"and this……"

Fang Haobai finally couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled: "Shut up!"

Wen Ruo shook her little hand inside, almost spilling all the porridge inside, but she still shut up obediently.

"Okay, okay, it's delicious~ I'm complimenting you~"

After Wen Ruo stopped, Fang Haobai gradually frowned while listening to the conversation between Wen Qi and Ying Jingjing, but soon laughed again.

Wen Qi's idea is quite good, but there are too many omissions in the plan. As long as Fang Haobai is a little flexible and doesn't follow Wen Qi's wishes, Wen Qi's plan can be easily disrupted.

Even if Wen Qi didn't come here and took the initiative to make trouble, couldn't Fang Haobai go to find her by himself?
Wen Qi was almost as if she had no plan.

It's all bullshit!

Fang Haobai opened the kitchen door, stared at Wen Ruo for a while, and asked, "Have you had enough?"

Wen Ruo was still devouring seafood into his mouth, and half of the shrimp was still sticking out of his mouth, but Fang Haobai forcibly pulled it out.

"I'll give you the last three seconds to eat the food in your mouth, we're going to get down to business!"

So, throughout the night, the lights in Wen Ruo's room were not turned off.

Early the next morning, Fang Haobai took Luo Ziqing out to school, but instead of going directly to school, he waited at a hidden place at the exit of the community.

Luo Ziqing asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

Fang Haobai looked at Luo Ziqing: "We are waiting for someone, a very important person."

Luo Ziqing looked at the empty street entrance: "But it's so early, how could there be people there?"

Fang Haobai patted Luo Ziqing's head: "Why are you so stupid, if the person we were waiting for came out so early, if we didn't come out, wouldn't we just miss it?"

Luo Ziqing curled her lips: "You have no friends, and I don't have any other friends living here. Could it be that we are waiting for Wen Qi?"

Fang Haobai looked at Luo Ziqing with a smile on his face: "It's so smart, you discovered all of this."

Luo Ziqing looked at him sadly: "You just called me stupid 20 seconds ago..."

It's really faster for a man to turn his face than to turn a book!

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, Fang Haobai waited until Wen Qi came out of the community.

Fang Haobai said: "Actually, Wen Qi's plan is very simple. She just wants to find some people in our school, and then give them money, or use her beauty to seduce some boys, and then let them be in the school." Spread some rumors about us and ruin our reputation like this."

"The most important thing is that these rumors will make us isolated by everyone in the school, so that we can't help but drop out of school, fail to get the school's diploma, drop out, and be isolated, as long as my company's customers hear these words in the future , you will feel that I am a person with a bad character, so our things will not be sold."

"In this case, even if I can reopen a company, as long as the boss is me, this company will not be able to start!"

(End of this chapter)

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