childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

Chapter 311 as long as you like

Chapter 311 as long as you like

Fortunately, everyone was wearing seat belts, otherwise Guo Kaiwen and Guo Kai'an would probably have had intimate contact with the cushions of the front seats.

"Do you know how to drive? Are you trying to kill us?!"

Guo Kaiwen rubbed his shoulder that was hurt by the seat belt, and looked at Guo Kai'an aggrievedly, wanting Guo Kai'an to stand up for him.

Fang Haobai turned around and looked at the two people behind him, then raised his hand.

He stared at the two of them, gently raised Luo Ziqing's chin, and then kissed passionately with a strong possessive desire. Although the movements were not gentle enough, it still made Luo Ziqing feel very comfortable.

"did you see it?"

It wasn't until Luo Ziqing was out of breath that Fang Haobai let her go, then turned his head and looked at the two of them provocatively.

This kind of action is undoubtedly to prove that the one Luo Ziqing likes is herself!

This is clearly just doing something!

"I kao! You're going too far! Even if you forcefully kiss Sister Ziqing, it still doesn't prove that Sister Ziqing likes you!" Guo Kaiwen was not convinced, but the blush on Luo Ziqing's face was enough to explain the problem.

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Luo Ziqing quickly grabbed Fang Haobai: "Let's set off soon, if we don't leave, it will be noon at Disneyland over there, so we won't be able to enjoy anything!"

Fang Haobai glared at the two people in the back seat, and then stepped on the accelerator again.

Luo Ziqing turned her head and said to the two people: "Don't look at his bad temper, he just wants to protect me. If the three of you can get along well, it will be a great help to me, so these two days. Please bear with him, this stinky brat!"

Fang Haobai frowned, and lightly pinched Luo Ziqing's waist to express his protest.

Luo Ziqing hurriedly laughed again, took out a lollipop from her small backpack, unpacked it, and brought it to Fang Haobai's mouth: "Okay, okay, driver, don't be angry, don't be angry, ah ~"

Although Fang Haobai said that he didn't like to eat this kind of food, he still took the lollipop with his mouth.

Luo Ziqing smiled in satisfaction, and took one out herself, pursing her lips in delight.

This plum lollipop is too delicious.

It's such a pleasure to eat like this!
This kind of handmade plum lollipops is not very easy to find abroad, and what Luo Ziqing eats now are all made by Fang Haobai instructing someone to pick out the best plums in China.

Luo Ziqing likes to eat sweets very much.

Seeing Luo Ziqing eating so happily, Fang Haobai felt that no matter how troublesome it was to get this candy, it was worth it!
Guo Kaiwen from behind took a look, and hurriedly found some snacks from his bag and handed them to Luo Ziqing: "Sister Ziqing, I still have something to eat here, eat it! I'll give it all to you!"

Luo Ziqing looked at Fang Haobai carefully, and found that Fang Haobai didn't seem to have any objection affectionately, then happily took it over, with a smile on his face.

"Wow! These potato chips are super hard to find in the United States! You actually bought them!"

Luo Ziqing took out a bag of potato chips from the bag, and after seeing the brand on it, she was pleasantly surprised: "Is it really edible? In the United States, these potato chips should be quite expensive."

When Guo Kaiwen saw that Luo Ziqing liked it, he immediately showed a dog-legged smile: "Of course! I bought it for sister Ziqing. As long as sister Ziqing likes it, you can eat as much as you want!"


(End of this chapter)

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