Chapter 317 Carousel
"Hahahahahaha! You really pack it so tightly! Hahahahaha, I'm just kidding!"

Seeing Luo Ziqing's wide-eyed smile, Fang Haobai patted her head helplessly: "As long as it is what you say, I will take it seriously. As long as it is what you want, I will give it to you. As long as it is you who ask, it will be forever." Make it perfect for you."

Luo Ziqing didn't focus on Fang Haobai at all: "Hey, it doesn't matter~ Look, this carousel is super fun!"

There will be nice music when the carousel turns, and such a luxurious carousel can go around for a long time, and most of this carousel is dreamy pink, purple, sky blue or something, so it looks very beautiful. Beautiful, especially attracted Luo Ziqing.

Who hasn't dreamed of a little princess?
Fortunately, Luo Ziqing and the others had just arrived, so they were still at the end of the line with no one behind, so Fang Haobai went in and lined up next to Luo Ziqing, but Guo Kaiwen still looked at Fang Haobai warily.

Guo Kai'an didn't like to play with these things, so he took Luo Ziqing's small backpack and sat outside under the tree and waited for them. Seeing the hostility that Guo Kaiwen radiated from afar, he sighed helplessly.

This kid is so bearish, he won't listen to anything, and he will be beaten sooner or later.

Although there are a lot of people, but because the carousel can seat a lot of people, the queue is not too long.

Luo Ziqing happily pulled Fang Haobai and ran to the luxurious second floor, snatched a pink pony, turned around and saw that Fang Haobai had already sat in a pony carriage next to him, and looked at it proudly. 1 Luo Ziqing patted the seat beside her, motioning for Luo Ziqing to come and sit beside her.

Luo Ziqing immediately got off the pony, ran to the pony carriage, and sat down next to Fang Haobai.

Luo Ziqing didn't notice Guo Kaiwen when he came up, so when Guo Kaiwen came up, there were no places around, only one place, which was in front of the pony carriage.

Seeing Guo Kaiwen still standing there stupidly, the staff next to him frowned in dissatisfaction and urged, "Sir over there, please find a place to sit down quickly, please."

Guo Kaiwen had no choice but to ride the pony angrily.

At first glance, it looks like a handsome coachman pulling an even more handsome prince and princess.

Fang Haobai was obviously aware of this, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

The turntable below slowly began to rotate, and the wind blew over, lifting Luo Ziqing's hair scattered around her ears, revealing Luo Ziqing's small auricles.

His heart skipped a beat, and by the time Fang Haobai came to his senses, he had already moved close to Luo Ziqing's ear, gently wrapping her small earlobe in his mouth.

Luo Ziqing didn't have her ears pierced, but even without the decoration of earrings, she still looked pretty.

Luo Ziqing exclaimed, "What are you doing! This is still outside! Let go!"

Fang Haobai moved away a little, but still leaned next to Luo Ziqing, and said lightly, "I won't."


He got back together again, stuck out his tongue, and gently teased the little earlobe.

The space inside the carriage was originally very small, and Luo Ziqing had no place to escape at all.

 The next chapter has little meat
(End of this chapter)

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