childhood sweetheart, bright moon, clear sky

Chapter 331 Good looking, don't line up

Chapter 331 Good looking, don't line up
Fang Haobai called Mu Yuwei and said that he needed his help to arrange some things in Disney, because he proposed to marry him.

In return, Fang Haobai will provide the Mu family with an opportunity to cooperate with Fang's company, and it will be a big project.

Mu Yuwei looked at the certain information provided by Fang Haobai, and at the series of zeros on the final estimated income. Mu Yuwei gritted her teeth and decided to help.

Would rather demolish ten temples than destroy one marriage!
Besides, not only did they not allow the temple to be demolished, but they also paid for incense.

So Mu Yuwei made a phone call and everything was settled.

"You must remember what you said, this project must belong to our family, do you understand! Also, when you hold a wedding banquet, you must invite me. Although the red envelope may not be very large, there must be blessings !"

Fang Haobai still had a carefree tone: "I know, I know, I have already agreed with Haoli about this project, you can just find him directly."

Fang Haoli is now the chairman of the Fang family company, and under the doubts of the outside world, the Fang family has developed very well, even surpassing the previous trend when Fang Moshu was in charge.

Knowing that his younger brother and his younger siblings are finally going to achieve the right result, without further ado, this project was directly given to the Mu family.

Because the Fang family doesn't have much influence in the United States, it is not so easy to do things in a large playground so quickly.

But the Mu family is different. They have foreign markets a long time ago, and it is easy to accumulate some contacts or some power status.

So judging from the current situation, asking Mu Yuwei is indeed the best choice.

After Fang Haoli got the news, he notified all his friends and... parents in the country as quickly as possible.

After Fang Moshu and Shui Ruoqing heard the news, their faces were full of gratified smiles: "Oh! These two children are finally going to die!"

"Old Fang, should we start preparing the betrothal gift now? I have prepared a lot before. Look at these jade bracelets and gold necklaces, do they look good? I bought them for Zi Qing, and I'm just waiting for this day! "

Fang Moshu pondered for a while, then took out his bank card: "Honey, you said 1000 million, is it enough?"

Shui Ruoqing glared at Fang Moshu: "Vulgar! I have no intentions!"

Fang Moshu had no choice but to put away his bank card aggrieved.

On the other hand, Situ Yu and Gu Yiqi were also very happy to know about this matter. Gu Yiqi also directly stated that she wanted to be the best-looking bridesmaid, but was ridiculed by Situ Yu ignorantly.

Anyway, I heard that Situ Yu had a miserable time that night.

This side is full of excitement, but on Fang Haobai's side, the whole special day has only just begun.

Luo Ziqing excitedly ran to the place where the roller coaster was played yesterday, and rode the roller coaster again. The amazing thing was that every time the staff there saw them, they would directly let the two of them go through the VIP channel without queuing.

Luo Ziqing has been excited about this for a long time, because the reason given by the staff is: "The most recent event is that the best-looking couple among the people in line can have priority to play the event."

Although Luo Ziqing wondered why there was such an activity that she had never heard of before, she saw the words on the promotional poster hanging on the outside wall, and she didn't struggle anymore, and accepted it happily.

 Because the update was always interrupted before, this week there will be two updates as compensation
(End of this chapter)

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