Chapter 351 Anger
Luo Ziqing was stunned.

Indeed, before, I only proposed to break up unilaterally, and it was not proposed in person. I just left a note and walked away without giving Fang Haobai any chance to refuse.

But after so many years, Luo Ziqing really did not expect that Fang Haobai could still catch up.

And Fang Haobai's performance was also unacceptable.

So facing Fang Haobai's attitude, Luo Ziqing's heart was actually more angry.

After so many years, he left without saying goodbye, and he found her back, why didn't he ask himself why he left?Or it's okay to lose your temper with yourself.

But he just sat there, staring at Luo Ziqing intently, holding in his hand the hamburger he always despised.

"Then why, come to me again."

Fang Haobai put down his hand when he heard the words: "Come to find a wife."

Why isn't Fang Haobai angry in his heart, the girl he loves left without saying goodbye, and all the reasons come down to his failure to protect her well.

Of course, he has not been idle in the past few years. After thinking about it, Wen Qi and the others are the only ones who will be unfavorable to Luo Ziqing. Naturally, he found her.

But Wen Qi didn't know where Luo Ziqing was. She lied to her when she said she would find someone to follow Luo Ziqing to monitor her, but this innocent little girl actually believed it.

Then Fang Haobai completely lost news of Luo Ziqing.

Until later, a Chinese girl pastry chef named Luo Fanhua emerged in pastry making competitions all over the world. A new western restaurant under the Fang family wanted to hire her to make pastry, but the invitation was sent over. This Miss Luo Fanhua Just rejected it, and it was extremely concise, with only one "No".

Not to mention the influence of the Fang family in China, they have gradually entered the foreign market in the past few years, and they also have a place in the American business circle, and this lady, refused it without even thinking about it?
Because of this incident, Fang Haobai began to pay attention to this girl named Luo Fanhua, because she never showed her face during the competition, either wearing a mask or covering her face, and only some Reuters pictures taken by netizens could see her iceberg corner.

And Fang Haobai, no matter how you look at it, looks like her.

Later, some food commentators said that the cake shop in Yinhua Lane in the United States tasted very similar to the craftsmanship of Miss Luo Fanhua.

After seeing the photos in the newspaper, Fang Haobai finally confirmed that Luo Fanhua was Luo Ziqing!
He rushed over non-stop, and the moment he finally saw her, all the anger in his heart disappeared.

She hasn't changed at all, she is still so beautiful, her eyes are still full of hope, but they are more dull.

She was no longer the little girl who could only slip into his arms when encountering any difficulties.

Now she can still live well without herself.

Luo Ziqing lowered her head and ate the hamburger in her hand: "I said don't come to me, there is no possibility of a new start between us."

Fang Haobai just waited for her to finish speaking and said silently: "Wen Qi has confessed everything."

Luo Ziqing was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood what he was referring to.

Then there was a wry smile: "We have been separated for six years, we are not who we were back then, how can you guarantee that you don't resent me at all in your heart, and you can still love me and be with me like before."

Fang Haobai stood up, looking at the darkness outside, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

 I'm so busy! When can I give my baby a summer vacation?! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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