Chapter 104 The Days of Being a Big Boss in the End Times (2)

Anzu has reached the limit.

Fortunately, the zombies behind did not catch up.

Walk a few hundred meters and you will reach the intersection.

An Cuo saw Chen Zhehuai who was standing at the intersection. Chen Zhehuai turned his back to her and didn't look at her at all.

The rest of her life after the catastrophe made her want to cry. She walked over slowly and called his name with sobs: "Zhe Huai"

Chen Zhehuai's back was stiff. Looking back, she saw dust and sweat stains on her face, but there was no wound on her body, obviously she was not bitten by a zombie.

His expression was not very good, and his opening was not a caring sentence, but——

"How are you still alive?"

How are you still alive.

An Cu desperately wanted to live, to save Chen Zhehuai.

From Chen Zhehuai's point of view, it seemed that he shouldn't continue to live. No matter how stupid An Cu was, he realized that something was wrong.

Because Chen Zhehuai's eyes changed, as if he was about to eat her, with bloodshot eyes, not much better than those zombies.

An Cu took two steps back, turned around and ran in the other direction, but the long tug-of-war with the zombies had exhausted her strength, and soon she was caught up by Chen Zhehuai.

Chen Zhehuai's legs and feet were sharp, and he didn't look like he was injured at all.

"You lied to me? Is your leg okay?"

Chen Zhehuai grabbed her hair and sneered, like a poisonous snake crawling on her back: "Otherwise, why would you take the initiative to lure away the zombies? It's just that I didn't expect you to escape, then I I had to do it myself.”

Chen Zhehuai picked up a brick at some point in his hand.

An Cu only felt a pain in her forehead, blood flowed down her forehead to her cheeks, her vision was blurred, her body shook, and finally fell to the ground.

Probably knowing that she was going to die, Chen Zhehuai still couldn't bear it.

"I didn't want to destroy the beauty in your heart, but it's a pity that you are too disappointing. Even if you die, this world is no longer the beautiful world it used to be. Wouldn't it be nice not to face it?"

The picture disappeared, and Bai Tu touched his forehead.

The wound on his forehead from being hit by a brick is obvious to the touch.

This is a world infected by the zombie virus. A month ago, some people in S City began to experience abnormalities. At first, those abnormal people just became insane and did not recognize people.

Everyone just thought it was a rare new virus, and those infected people were caught and isolated in the isolation area of ​​the hospital.

However, this blocking effect is not effective, and there are still people outside who continue to be infected.

But within two days, the symptoms changed.

People infected with the virus start to bite people, and those who are bitten will also be infected. The infected people become a group of living dead, without human thinking, without pain or fatigue. As long as the brain center is still intact, even if other parts of the body are damaged , they can still act.

An Cuo and Chen Zhehuai were just college students in the school. When the virus broke out, they were still in school.

Finally, a group of people escaped. She and Chen Zhehuai were fine, but she didn't expect that she was not infected by zombies, but was killed by the person she trusted the most.

The reason why Chen Zhehuai did this was because of another girl, a girl named Shen Meng.

Before the outbreak of the zombie virus, Shen Meng's father was a big shot.

Later, he led a group of people to City Y with the best terrain, built a base there, and sent people to protect Shen Meng who was still in another city. After the base stabilized, Shen Meng went to City Y. Walk.

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(End of this chapter)

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