Chapter 109 The Days of Being a Big Boss in the End Times (7)

The middle-aged man standing behind went to the front to support the old man. His face was bruised, and he said to Bai Tuo with a complex expression: "Little girl, thank you, but it's better not to interfere."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he took out the last food on his body and handed it to the strong man with the green dragon tattoo: "Please let us go, and this girl, she has nothing to do with this matter, you want food, we Give you all the food on your body, okay?"

The burly man with the green dragon tattoo glanced at the middle-aged man, then suddenly turned his head to face another burly man, and asked him, "Do you think it's okay?"

"When what are we? Beggars?"

"Of course not, I want to vent my anger today."

The strong man with the green dragon tattoo stretched out his hand, trying to snatch the food from the middle-aged man's hand, but was cut off halfway.

Bai Tuo held the compressed biscuit and waved it in front of the eyes of the strong man with the green dragon tattoo.

The provocative meaning of this action is too obvious, and no one can bear it.

This behavior of Bai Tu is simply testing the danger of letting the other party go berserk.

However, the one who was not afraid of death was still behind, Bai Tuo grandly opened the bag of compressed biscuits, the biscuits came close to her lips, and there was a crisp sound, she ate happily, and the corners of her eyes curled up.

"You fucking—"

The strong man with the green dragon tattoo rushed directly in front of Bai Tu, who nimbly put the biscuit into the other pocket, and when the strong man attacked, he quickly grabbed his shoulder.

The strong man with the green dragon tattoo only felt a pain in his shoulder, and his entire arm became sore.

Bai Tu cut his hands behind his back, because it was inconvenient to use one hand, he raised another leg, and pressed his knee against the strong man's back.

When he was captured, the other brothers wanted to attack Bai Tuo.

Bai Tu suddenly said: "Wait."

Some people really waited for some reason.

The iron rod in Bai Tu's hand touched the elbow of the strong man with the green dragon tattoo cut behind him. He looked at them with a smile and said, "I'm a weak woman, so I can't beat you, but I should be fine if I lose my hand." .”

As she spoke, she clicked her tongue twice, with a sad tone, "My hands are useless, and it's the end of the world. It's hard to find a doctor. I was lucky enough to find a doctor, but I couldn't find the nurse who helped me. I found them all, and I couldn't find the treatment equipment and medicine. Without a hand, it would be difficult to live, right?"

The strong man under her control trembled all over.

Those brothers probably didn't expect that Bai Tu, who looked soft and weak, was actually a ruthless character, and he didn't dare to approach him for a while.

The iron rod moved to the bend of the strong man's knee, and Bai Tu's tone was a little embarrassed: "It doesn't seem worthwhile to lose your hands. You can still move if you lose your hands, but you can't save your feet if you encounter zombies. It's crooked, it can't even run, it's better to have a useless foot."

When she spoke, her tone was too relaxed, giving the impression that she was discussing what to eat for lunch.

A few people were completely dumbfounded, and the most fearful thing was the strong man with the green dragon tattoo.

He had already thought of that scene, if his feet were really useless, it would be over.

Bai Tu gestured twice, and the iron rod seemed to be about to hit his knee. The strong man almost peed in fright, and immediately said to the brothers: "Go! Go, stay away from them, there is food, throw all the food away .”

In an instant, a group of people dropped their food one after another, and soon disappeared.

Bai Tu let go, patted the strong man's shoulder, and said, "Be smart and stay away from them, or your shoulder will really be useless."

(End of this chapter)

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