Chapter 114 The Days of Being a Big Boss in the End Times (12)

Zhao Qing looked at the chopsticks in his hand, and was wondering if the damage was strong enough, when he saw Bai Tu coming in from behind several old people.

As if seeing a relative, Zhao Qing didn't want chopsticks, and her boyfriend didn't care, and went straight to Bai Tu's direction.

Before the bear hugged Bai Tu, he found that Bai Tu's clothes had changed, turned into a white shirt, and the shirt was still a little dirty.

Zhao Qing stopped in his tracks and found that there was someone more in front of Bai Tu.

He is a young boy who looks a little immature. His facial lines are soft and his facial features are exquisite. He is not as cold and hard as a normal adult man, so his appearance gives people a very young feeling, but he is not short.

Just standing in front of Bai Tu, like a wall.

Being stared at by the other party, Zhao Qing inexplicably felt like he was going to defile his belongings.

Touching his nose resentfully, Zhao Qing just took two steps back when Zhao Qing suddenly remembered a very important thing.

When she met Bai Tu, Bai Tu was alone!
So this person and Bai Tu must have only met today.

But she and Bai Tu knew each other yesterday.

Just as Zhao Qing was about to speak, she saw the other party turn around, leaving only one back for her, then took out something from the backpack, and said to Bai Tuo, "Can I eat this tonight?"

It's amazing to have something to eat!
Bai Tu will definitely not be moved, she also has a lot to eat.

Bai Tuo looked at the large canned beef in He Yushi's hand, nodded: "OK."

Zhao Qing glanced curiously, and when he saw the canned beef, his saliva subconsciously secreted.

Canned beef!It would be delicious if used to make soup.

Probably the essence of human beings is chatter. Within 10 minutes, a group of people had introduced themselves and chatted amicably.

The howls of zombies can be heard outside from time to time. In the past, everyone would have felt terrified.

Now I hear that the chatting sounds keep going.

Bai Tu listened to them chatting for a while, then went back to the room to sleep.

After that, she was woken up by knocking on the door. When she just woke up, her head was still a little dizzy, so she subconsciously said something.

The door opened, He Yushi came in cautiously, and closed the door again.

The cautious appearance made Bai Tu think that he was going to say something very important to him, but he heard He Yushi say, "It's time to eat."

Bai Tu said that he knew, but He Yushi didn't mean to go out, but just stared at her.

Those eyes are clear and beautiful. When staring at others, it always makes people feel a little happier.

For example, now Bai Tu, all the drowsiness has dissipated, she bent the corner of her mouth and asked him: "Do you want to tell me something?"

He Yushi nodded, raised his legs and walked towards the bed.

When he walked to the bed, he bent down and kissed the corner of Bai Tu's lips.

Soft lips, with a certain sweet breath.

However, the wound on the corner of the other party's lips is also obvious, especially when the lips are touching.

He Yushi's lips parted, he stood up straight, and said to her solemnly: "Thank you very much for saving me today."

Forget about the previous things, Bai Tu didn't care too much.

Listening to him saying thank you now, but the luck value has not increased at all.

A meaning has been clearly expressed.

thank you very much.


Bai Tu touched his lips and said softly, "Thank you so much?"

When the other party was unprepared, Bai Tuo suddenly grabbed his wrist and brought his body to the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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