Chapter 123 The Days of Being a Big Boss in the End Times (21)

Something happened here, and the old man who was still working stopped what he was doing.

Some old people have been here for a while, probably because they are used to being bullied, and they still have injuries on their bodies, but they still dare not protest, so they can only grit their teeth and work.

Seeing Bai Tu hit the supervisor now, he was a little scared.

Grandma Li and the others helped up the old man on the ground, hoping to let other old people help.

But they were afraid of getting into trouble, so they didn't dare to approach.

Even if Bai Tu can beat the overseer now, so what, when more people come in a while, she can't beat the supervisor alone.

At that time, those who help them will definitely be beaten.

Seeing that they were unwilling to help, Grandma Li sighed and moved the old man to a cool place with all her strength along with the other two grandmas.

The old man's wife got up from the ground, went to the fainted old man, and kept saying thank you to Grandma Li and the others.

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of the supervisor's mouth: "It's better to work here than to be bitten to death by zombies. It's better to work to death and be beaten to death than to be torn apart alive. The law of the jungle preys on the strong. rule."

Bai Tu took out the dagger on his body, "Would you be happy to stab you to death now? After all, being beaten to death is better than being torn apart by zombies."

The point of the knife is facing the position of the heart.

Bai Tu's eyes didn't look like he was joking at all.

Being beaten just now, the supervisor only felt humiliated.

Now I really feel scared.

He was able to say that because he was the leader in front of this group of people. As long as they were disobedient, he could deal with them at will. During this period of time, he was used to not taking other people's lives as his own.

But it doesn't mean he doesn't cherish his life.

Before that, he thought about waiting for other people to come and make her look good.

Now there is no such idea at all.

Before the others came, she could kill herself easily, and she didn't even have the slightest chance to resist.

He didn't want to die.

The supervisor began to show weakness: "I am doing it for their own good, no one wants to be torn apart by zombies."

It is obvious that he is making excuses for his selfishness and cruelty, but he distorts the facts because he is greedy for life and afraid of death.

Bai Tuu let out an oh, and slightly moved the tip of the knife away.

The wine concubine clicked her tongue twice and said, "Why does such a person have 50 luck points?"

The luck value of 50 is actually considered high, except for He Yushi's 2000, most of the rest of the people are at 10 or 20, and some even have single digits.

If Bai Tu didn't kill this person, he would make a small profit by gaining this person's favor.

The supervisor breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Tu lowered his eyes and said expressionlessly: "According to what you said, you are right, and I especially agree with your later point of view."

The tip of the knife pierced fiercely into the opponent's chest.

Blood splattered, this was the first time Concubine Jiu saw Bai Tu killing people.

Bai Tu did not hesitate to strike.

If there is no humanity left, and even the heart is full of beating and killing others brutally, without any guilt, is there a need for such a person to exist?

The corners of Bai Tuu's lips curled up, and he said to the supervisor who hadn't breathed yet: "The strong will prey on the weak, I will satisfy you."

She pulled out the tip of the knife, and blood continued to flow out of the pierced hole in the Overseer's chest.

He reached out, trying to hold the hole.

It was clearly an action of wanting to live, but his eyes were full of despair and unwillingness.

Bai Tu wiped the blood-stained dagger on his clothes, and after wiping, the other party finally died.

 There was no update yesterday, but it was actually a matter of discussing with the editor.

  Originally, I planned to finish writing this plane and bring forward the main storyline to end it. After chatting with the editor today, I decided to continue writing.

  Writing a new book during this period of time is actually a relatively big test, not only the test of myself, but also the test of readers.

  After all, the character of the heroine of this book is too different from that of the previous book. Writing the two books at the same time gave me a sense of refinement.

  Later, I saw some people say that it is not as good as the previous book, and some people say that it is another abuse of scum, and I don’t like abuse of scum.

  In the last book, there were relatively few scumbags, and it mainly took the warm route. Many people said it was boring. I just wanted to write this book to be more refreshing, but I didn't expect some readers to feel aesthetic fatigue.

  The mentality is a little bit broken, one is that I can’t update it, which caused the collapse, the other is self-doubt, I don’t know whether to write according to my own ideas, or what kind of collapse, and the other is the collapse from some babies.

  I talked a lot with my friends, and when I decided to end it, I actually struggled.

  Because there are many people who support Baitu and Lihua in the comment area, when I wrote different styles of articles, I prepared that the readers of the previous book would not have many people to read, because many readers prefer the one they like. flavors.

  Fortunately, there are still old book readers who choose to accompany, and even more fortunately, many new babies have been added.

  I will improve and update later, or write according to my own ideas, just as a training.

  Pear Blossom Duck! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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