Chapter 146 Fanwai (3)

One of the old people said: "We were very tired at the time. She stood up and punished the supervisor for us, but we didn't stand by her because we were afraid."

It is human nature to be afraid.

So is kindness.

Some people maintain their fearful nature, but lose the most basic kindness.

The name An Cu quickly became popular in the base, and many people wanted to meet her, this amazing girl.

Zhao Qing will still practice her courage in daily life. Although she is safe for the time being, she begins to feel that only when she becomes a person who can protect others can she be truly useful.

In addition, there are two other things she needs to do every day.

First, stop those who want to see Sister Tu.

Second, eat dog food.

Ever since knowing He Yushi's identity, Zhao Qing felt that this person was hiding too deeply.

So that everyone thinks he is harmless.

Until he moved his own laboratory directly, saying that this way he didn't have to run around.

Zhao Qing vaguely felt that this was not the case.

Because she rarely saw Bai Tu and He Yu when they went to the laboratory over there.

After He Yushi went out twice, he planned to move the laboratory here when he came back.

She felt that He Yushi just wanted to stay with Bai Tu for a longer time.

No one can enter that laboratory, only He Yushi and Bai Tu can.

Now, they have been in for more than an hour.

Bai Tu put on gloves and stood beside He Yushi.

He Yushi was adjusting the dose of the agent, and this was the time when he could not be sloppy. He Yushi put away his usual appearance and became serious and cautious.

It is said that serious men are the most handsome.

He Yushi bent over slightly, the curly eyelashes on his beautiful black eyes were slightly wet.

Because of the heat, there were fine lines of sweat on his forehead and the tip of his nose.

The red lips were tightly pursed, and there was a faint blush on his fair cheeks. He didn't even bother to wipe off his sweat, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the experiment in hand.

Bai Tu was very curious about this thing, so he looked at it from the sidelines and took notes in his heart.

Concubine Jiu felt bored, so she put on Bai Cu's newly bought little skirt, and went out for a stroll with snacks in her arms.

She seems to be in a good mood recently, she often runs around, Bai Tu doesn't bother to care about her, and maintains a free-range style.

When Bai Tu approached He Yu, He Yu, who had never been distracted by anything, was suddenly distracted by her breath.

The hand that remained still trembled immediately, and accidentally dripped an extra drop.

More than an hour of hard work was ruined like this.

He Yushi immediately turned his head to look at Bai Tu next to him, seeing that Bai Tu was still watching in a daze, and the more he looked at her, the more he thought she was pretty, so he didn't do any experiments at all, and put the things down.

Seeing that he was planning to close the stall, Bai Tu raised his eyebrows: "Done?"

"I think you're seducing me."

These words seem familiar.

He Yushi licked his lips and said, "I won't do it. Now I want to do what I did last night here."


He Yushi's taste seems a bit heavy.

In the evening, Bai Tu was tired, went back to his room to catch up on sleep, and started working again when he yelled that He Yushi was not doing his job.

Although he was always distracted by what he had done here in the afternoon, and had an idea of ​​not wanting to continue his research, He Yushi still cheered up.

Just do it.

After making the real antidote, she will definitely be very happy.

Although not necessarily obvious.

But as long as she's happy, that's fine.

 Well, this plane is completely over.

  Suddenly confused, if I write about e-sports, what kind of games should I write about?

  Sure enough, online games are better written!
  Tomorrow is a new week, so vote well!
(End of this chapter)

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