Lady, she's a bug

Chapter 173 I'm a Professional Accompanying Player

Chapter 173 Accompanying me is a professional (27)

The place was silent.

This was not discussed, but since Xiao Ran's words fell to the ground, there was no sound at all for half a minute.

Many of them are old fans of Xiao Ran, and they have watched every game of Xiao Ran.

Some are watched live, and some are broadcast live.

However, no one has seen Xiao Ranxiao.

At this moment, he suddenly laughed, and everyone felt like shit.

This is probably the contrast.

I didn't expect the Great God to smile so beautifully.

The rest who didn't make a sound were purely Yangou.

Although they have their favorite teams and players, they have to admit that Yan is justice!

Some people were shocked by Xiao Ran's words. Xiao Ran has always been relatively gentle, neither arrogant nor impetuous. Fans have long been accustomed to his behavior of taking the first place in a low-key manner.

This time he suddenly said so loudly that he wanted to take the first place
It's not like his previous style at all.

After Xiao Ran finished speaking, his eyes subconsciously drifted to Bai Tuo.

This time, Bai Tu's gaze met his, and she gently shook the support card in her hand.

It was not the first time Xiao Ran saw his support card being held by someone, but it was the first time, and he felt embarrassed.

His eyes were as warm as water, he just looked at her for a while, then moved away.

After moving away, without looking at the auditorium, the fan-like eyelashes drooped, casting a curved silhouette under the eyes, and the whole person looked more docile and docile.

His expression made the fans below howl even more.

Awwow, such a great god, really makes people want to fall down!
Tong Ke felt the competitive spirit from the captain next to him, and said to the team members next to him: "Hey, it seems that there is no suspense in this game."

Xiao Ran is scary when he is serious.

Especially when he said he wanted to take the first place.

That is inevitable.

Concubine Jiu was surprised to find that Lin Hua beside her was blushing quietly, so she moved close to Bai Tuu's ear and said to Bai Tuo, "Master, that Lin Hua blushed, you don't think Xiao Ran is looking at her, does he?"

The two people are so close together that they can't tell the difference.

Ever since she knew from Bai Tu that Xiao Ran was that Xiao and came straight to the host, she was sure that Xiao Ran's purpose was not pure.

So it must have been looking at the host just now.

Instead of this self-proclaimed sentimental Lin Hua.

Bai Tu was still thinking about Xiao Ran's look just now, she lazily responded: "Who knows."

She couldn't control Lin Hua's inner thoughts.

Xiao Ran let go of his words, and the teams behind him were naturally not to be outdone.

In an arena, everyone doesn't want to lose face.

Discussions have already begun within the TAR team.

Tong Ke: "The captain has been in trouble since a week ago, and I don't know if he is sick."

Zhang Yan frowned, feeling that it was really the case: "Is it really hypoglycemia?"

Yu Qun: "I can see it too."

A few people were chattering, and the team members who were substitutes also came up to discuss.

Tong Ke grimaced: "You said the captain put down his big words. If he loses, it will be embarrassing. Let's pay attention to the game later and try our best to protect the captain. It's fine to be a striker or a meat shield. We can win."

What Tong Ke said seemed to be true, and immediately aroused the emotions of others.

The game started, and the rest of the teams noticed something was wrong.

Why is this TAR team crazy?
Hit people as soon as they catch them?
This is how much you want to win.

 Next chapter update time: 21:00
(End of this chapter)

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