Lady, she's a bug

Chapter 176 I'm a Professional Accompanying Player

Chapter 176 Accompanying me is a professional (30)

Xiao Ran didn't know what he was talking about anymore.

I just said what I wanted to say based on my feelings and inner thoughts.

After saying that, the tense strings were indeed loosened, but the heart was not very good.

One after another, as if it was about to jump out, the eardrums vibrated, and he could even hear the sound of his own heartbeat.

I don't know if the other party heard it.

It would be a shame to hear that.

His appearance reminded Bai Tuo of Jun Yanzhi again.

In the previous plane, why didn't she find that he had so many similarities with Jun Yanzhi?
Maybe it's because of habitual denial, after all, this kind of thing is too unreal.

She had never imagined death, so she was still in a trance when she died.

But if you die, you will die. Who knows what kind of space you will enter, and then do the task later.

In her opinion, from the moment she died, she had nothing to do with the original world.

But Jun Yanzhi should still be alive and well.

How could it appear?

But Bai Tu doesn't believe in coincidences, the one in front of him must be Jun Yanzhi.

Although she didn't know why he followed her, but
Seems like this guy is kind of funny.

And it was still the same as before, with a stubborn look in his eyes, in fact, the blush on his face had already betrayed him.

Xiao Ran's forced composure has already revealed his flaws.

Bai Tuo looked at him for a while, then said: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, in fact, I already knew you were Xiao Ran."

Xiao Ran heard her teasing tone, and it became even more unnatural.

Few people speak in such a tone in front of him.

But seeing that she seemed a little happy, the corners of Xiao Ran's lips also curved: "I know."

Because he knew, he would take the initiative to show his cards.

Bai Tu thought to himself, you know a ghost.

She tilted her head, put her hands on the wall next to him, and stood bent over for a while.

Sure enough, my back hurts when I stand and talk.

she thinks.

Then she said: "It should be earlier than you know, probably, I knew when you said you wanted to adopt me."

Bao. Nurturing?

The shock that this word brought to Xiao Ran was far greater than what she said earlier.

When did he say he wanted to keep her?
Xiao Ran's eyes flickered, and the light golden edge of the pupils revealed a bright light.

Seeing that he seemed to want to refute, Bai Tu raised his eyebrows: "You want to go back on your word and stop supporting me?"

Xiao Ran: ".No."

But he didn't mean that, he just wanted to play games with her.

Nor do I want to. She plays games with others.

Even if that person is his cousin.

He still remembered that she had been protecting Xingmu at that time, and when playing games with Xingmu, would she call him boss very gently?

I can't think about it, and when I think about it, I want to delete WeChat friends again.

Bai Tu picked up the old question again: "So you want to keep supporting me?"

Xiao Ran saw the smile in her eyes, and suddenly understood what it was like.

He asked back: "Can you?"

I don't know if it's too straightforward, but he also added, "I won a lot of money in the game. If you don't think it's too little, I can develop other careers."

Bai Tu was amused by his seriousness.

She approached, stared at his face, and found that this posture was really relaxed.

As the distance between the two narrowed, Xiao Ran's nervousness became less.

He stood up straight and looked down at her.

Just listen to her say: "Kiss me and I will think about it?"

Xiao Ran felt that time seemed to stand still.

 Two more~
  Come on, vote duck~
(End of this chapter)

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